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  • JUNE 2013
















  • 2 MHL JUNE 2013

  • JUNE 2013 MHL

    Save $12Save $12

    MKEJune 29

    Get Dirty for Cancer.Register at LoziLu.com Use code:DIRTYFUN

    Berkeley Wellness Letter, John Hopkins Medical Letter,Environmental Nutrition, Nutrition Action Health Letter,Columbia/St. Marys, Wheaton Fransician, Milwaukee Eye Care, EyeCare Specialists, Aurora, NorthShore Chiropractic, NationalPedorthic Services, Lifesteps Wellness Clinic, Advance PhysicalTherapy, Elite Fitness and Racquet Club, Alexian Brothers Village,Transformations, NIH, Jensen Health and Energy, Foot Solutions,Allergy and Asthma Centers, Lakeshore Medical, The Ommani Center,Active Care Rehab, Interfaith Older Adult Services, Jewish FamilyServices, Lau-reate Group, Alzheimer Association, Tudor Oaks,Luther Haven, HealthWise Chiropractic, Green-square Center for theHealing Arts, Midwest Audiology Integrative Family Wellness CenterSocial Security Offices and American Camp Association

    For information on advertising or to submit articles call, faxor email 414-659-6705 or 608-237-6000, email:[emailprotected]. Subscriptions are $20 per year. Thanksfor reading HealthWisc.

    HealthWisc is published on the first of each month . Thearticles in this publication are in no way intended to replace theknowledge or diagnosis of your doctor. We advise seeing a physicianwhen-ever a health problem arises requiring an experts care.

    Special Thanks! To all the local professionals that provide uswith articles containing new informa-tion and keeping all ourreaders informed of the latest in healthy living.

    Lewis Media Group Amanda LewisMalberry Media Marlys LewisJerryKornowskiMarlys MetzgerBarry Lewis

    publishers editorgraphic designadvertisingdistributionmanagertravel editorfounder




    Lewis Media Group | Malberry Media |www.modernhealthandliving.com









    MHL StaffSummer is here

    and tricky as the weather has been so have been my exercisehabits. A

    few days hot and few days cold...I wanna run, rollerblade andbike my way into good health but not in 60 degrees. Are you readyto get your summer fitness routines started? I put in a specialarticle on common workout excuses to help motivate you to stickwith a rockin routine this summer.

    I really want to include some of my picks for fun summer eventsand products. Three months is all we get of good weather so enjoyevery minute.

    I hope you enjoy our beautiful summer health edition thismonth...and dont worry this is just a taste of whats to come in ourupcoming summer editions. Thanks to all our advertisers andreaders!

    Stay healthy!-Amanda Lewis

    Editors note JUNE 2013


















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  • JUNE 2013 MHL

    Workout Excuses

    Start Today! Visit one of our 12 WisconsinLocationsDelafieldGreenfieldMayfair

    Bluemound E. WashingtonMequon


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    Life is hectic. Nothing seems to work. Gym member-ships areexpensive. There is an endless list of reasons to skip a workout ornever begin exercising in the first place. With excuses blurringthe benefits, getting fit can be an even bigger challenge. TOPSClub, Inc. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), the nonprofit weight losssupport or-ganization, provides tips to overcome justifications foravoiding physical activity.

    Im too busy.Make working out a priority and it will becomeroutine.

    The best way to fit physical activity into your day is byset-ting a schedule and writing it on the calendar. If you donthave time for an hour of cardio or weight training, take steps toensure you move during the week take the stairs, park at the backof the parking lot, do an abdominal workout during commercials.Ten-minute mini exercises, such as a brisk walk during the lunchhour, are also useful.

    I feel self-conscious.Exercise at home with fitness DVDs andresistance cables.

    Once you have gained confidence, go outside, join a gym, or takean exercise class. If you want to beat the crowds at the fitnesscen-ter, go mid-morning or late in the evening, when less peopleare around.

    I dont like working out.Perhaps running or weight lifting is toomonotonous for you.

    Working out doesnt have to be something thats painful or boring.Todays workout world offers a variety of options to stay fit yoga,hik-ing, swimming, dancing, Pilates, recreational sports, and more.Grab a friend and participate in a workout that you enjoy.

    I dont know how.Personal trainers help people tailor theirexercises to their ability

    and the proper intensity level. Whether you want to learn how tocycle indoors, dance, or play a sport, fitness classes withinstructors can teach new movements and correct form. The staff atmost gyms should be well-versed in their facilitys equipment; dontbe afraid to ask for help.

    I cant afford a gym membership.Although fitness centers have alot to offer, gym fees can be expensive. Per-

    haps your communitys local recreation department offers low-costclasses you can participate in. Walking or running outdoors arefree, effective activities. You may even want to considerroller-blading. Fancy equipment isnt necessary to get in shape itsmore important to stay active on a regular basis.

    I cant get motivated.Make a list of reasons to workout to gethealthy, boost energy, look better in

    your clothes, etc. Post the list in a place you look at everydayto remind yourself of your workout ambitions. Friends are also agreat place to seek motivation. At TOPS, weekly chapter meetingsgive members the opportunity to cheer for and encourage one anotherin their weight-loss efforts.

    I dont see any results.Its important to understand that exercisemay not produce immediate physi-

    cal changes. Remember your long-term goals and think about howworking out makes you feel. Writing down the little improvementsyou see on a daily basis can be helpful.

    TOPS Club Inc. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), the original,nonprofit weight-loss support and wellness education organization,was established more than 63 years ago to champion weight-losssupport and success. Founded and head-quartered in Milwaukee,Wisconsin, TOPS promotes successful, affordable weight managementwith a philosophy that combines healthy eating, regular ex-ercise,wellness information, and support from others at weekly chaptermeet-ings. TOPS has about 170,000 members in nearly 10,000 chaptersthroughout the United States and Canada.

    Visitors are welcome to attend their first TOPS meeting free ofcharge. To find a local chapter, view www.tops.org or call (800)932-8677.


  • 6 MHL JUNE 2013

    Often this is true if you have to put aside an hour or so to do,what you feel, is a real workout, and even to try for a half hourof exercise can be a problem for many. After all, we have our jobs,whether they be at an off site office, or even a home of-fice. Evenif we are stay at home moms or dads, we have responsibilities thattake up hours of our daily lives. However we all know exercise isof paramount importance to us. It mitigates many diseases,including, of course, heart disease. We do want to work out, buthow can we spare the time.

    Most recently an almost miracle workout has come to theMilwaukee area. Its called Tabata, named after the Japanese man whoformulated it. Its the type of work-out program that providessimilar health benefits to that of cardio workouts, however insteadof hours upon hours or exercise, Tabata can be completed in fourminutes! Yes, four minutes!

    Japanese physiologist, Izumi Tabata did a study comparingmoderate intensity training with high intensity training. He andhis research team conducted the tests on two groups of athletes;one of the groups used the moderate intensity interval train-ing,and the other, used high intensity interval training. The resultswere phenomenal. In group one the athletes trained in moderateintensity workouts (70% intensity) for five days a week for a totalof six weeks with each training session lasting an hour. Group twotrained in the high intensity workouts for four days a week for atotal of six weeks with each session lasting four minutes, attwenty second intervals of in-tense training (170% intensity), thenten seconds of rest.

    The first group had a significant increase in the aerobic system(cardiovascular system). However, the anaerobic system (muscles)gained little or no results at all. Group two showed higherimprovements in both areas. Their aerobic systems in-creased muchmore than the first groups did, and their anaerobic systemsincreased by 28%.

    Tabata and his colleagues concluded that not only did highintensity interval train-ing have more of an impact on the aerobicsystems, it had an impact on the anaerobic systems as well. Anadded bonus of Tabata Training is that any exercise can beincor-porated into the Tabata training.

    Many athletes, and especially those who are long distancerunners and sprinters, have been using the Tabata method for yearsto train for their particular sports. Now Tabata training hasbecome available to any of us who want to keep our bodies as welltuned as possible.

    Tabata teacher and trainer, Susan Montross, who has a masters incurriculum and instruction from Portland State University, has beena life long runner, said that doing Tabata has improved her speedsignificantly. Montross, who teaches classes and pri-vate sessionsin Tabata at the Elite Sports Club in Brookfield, explained howTabata is taught. For my Tabata classes I set up four stations,each set up for a particular exercise. The first station might bepushups or squat jumps, another mountain climb-ing. Others use abosu ball and gliding discs. We also have a high knee run in place.Using a timer I give the signal to start the particular exercise.Everyone starts at the same time on an individual exercise. Eachparticipant does it for twenty seconds, then rests for ten seconds. The entire cycle is repeated for the twenty second active phase,and then the ten second rest rotations, Everyone rotates to finisheight such cycles, and then everyone rests for a minute and half.Everyone goes through the same timed rotations, with a slightlydifferent exercise, then rests again for a minute and a half, for atotal of eight sessions or rounds.

    The idea behind Tabata, Montross said, which is also known ashigh intensity


    TABATAOne of the most prevalent excuses for not work-ing outregularly is I just dont have any time in my schedule.

    Mequon 11616 N. Port Washington Rd. (262) 241-4250 North Shore5750 N. Glen Park Rd. (414) 351-2900 River Glen 2001 W. Good HopeRd. (414) 352-4900

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    TABATA>>page 7

  • JUNE 2013 MHL

    interval training, is that youre pushing yourself hard towards95% of your maximum heart rate. When you do high inten-sityworkouts you should be breathing heavily. Thats a good sign, thatmeans youre doing it right.

    Montross also suggests that Tabata can be combined withen-durance training such as biking, elliptical workouts, orrunning.

    A great thing Ive found about Tabata is that many people who maynot have ever pushed themselves hard, have found that with thisshort and quick method of exercise they can reach new levels ofintensity.

    She elaborated, I feel that there is no age limitation withTabata, just a body and will limi-tation. However if someone hasnot exercised at all, or has been an infrequent exerciser or alow-er level exerciser, I usually try to ease them into it bybumping up their endurance and then slow-ing entering the Tabataprogram. Again, I feel that anyone of any age can utilize Tabata.For ex-ample, Ive trained my mom in Tabata, and shes seventythree.

    For more information about Tabata, contact any one of the fiveElite Sports Clubs or visit the website at www.Eliteclubs.com

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    Sartori Cheese Releases Limited Edition Extra-Aged Goat Cheesefor Summer 2013

    Sartori Cheese will be offering their award winning Extra-AgedGoat Cheese this June to fine cheese shops across the country. Backby popu-lar demand, this release will mark the one year anniversaryof the 2012 inaugural release.

    This distinctive cheese is known for its savory, caramel notesand light citrusy flavor and was handcrafted to be highlyapproachable while maintaining an authentically goat balancedflavor profile. After its re-lease in 2012, the cheese went on towin Gold at the European hosted Global Cheese Awards and Bronze atthe prestigious American Cheese Society Competition.

    When the season is right, Extra Aged Goat Cheese is produced inAntigo, Wisconsin by a team of artisans led by Sartori MasterCheese-maker, Pam Hodgson. This cheese took a number of years toperfect and making it today is really enjoyable and rewarding, saysHodgson. Granted, our make window is small fresh goats milk isgenerally only available from late spring into early fall. But thisbittersweet tie to natural seasonality is part of what makes ExtraAged Goat Cheese so special and exciting when its in season.

    Sartoris Limited Edition Extra-Aged Goat cheese will beavailable at select specialty cheese shops throughout the UnitedStates in June and July. Additionally, a limited supply of 4 oz.wedges will be available for sale at the Sartori online store,www.sartoricheese.com.


    www.sartoricheese.com | 800 8 888

    Featured RecipeAntipasto Salad with Sartori Basil and Olive OilAsiagoIngredients1lb Bowtie pasta, cooked, bottle BalsamicVinaigrette6 oz provolone cheese, cubed6 oz Sartori Basil Asiago ,cubed red bell pepper, diced yellow bell pepper, diced orange bellpepper, diced1 bunch green onions, chopped1 pint grape tomatoes8 ozsummer sausage, cubed2 tbl minced garlicDirectionsAdd allingredients together and mix thoroughly. Add more dress-ing ifnecessary


  • 8 MHL JUNE 2013

    Trauma, either direct or indirect, in turn, can be classified aseither minor (bruises, muscle pulls, etc) or major (fractures,concussion, spinal injuries, etc).

    How can HBOT help with recovery from sports injury:Reducesinflammation, swelling and pain. Decrease in swelling andinflamma-

    tion allows more oxygen rich blood to reach the injured area,increasing the speed of healing.

    Prevents Hypoxia of the traumatized tissues tissues with reducedblood flow suffers a reduction in oxygen also. Hyperbaric oxygenincreases the level of oxygen in injured tissue, preventinghypoxia.

    Speeds up the healing of tissues, ligaments and fractured bones.After just 2 hours of treatment the number of CD34+ stem cellsdoubles. After 20 hours, stem cells in-crease 8 fold. Stem cellsare the cells that grow into new tissue replacing the injuredtissue. Growth hormones are also modulated positively by HBOTdecreasing total time to heal.

    Scar tissue formation and damage is reduced. With less cellulardamage, les scar tissue is formed allowing better movement andreducing pain.

    Helps return players to the game sooner

    Ischemia (reduced blood flow) and edema (swelling) are parts ofa vicious circle where Hypoxia (low oxygenation at the cellularlevel) is the major component in the changes that affect theinjured tissues. Edema (swelling) of the tissues will com-pound theproblem created by hypoxia as it acts like a barrier to blood andoxygen reaching the cell.

    This also affects the micro-circulation or clumping oferythrocytes that in turn impede circulation in already compromisedtissue. Although plasma still may go through the capillaries, itmay not carry enough oxygen to sustain the life of cells. Here iswhere the oxygen under pressure proves its benefits (Henrys Law).As the partial pressure of inspired oxygen increases, the plasmadissolved in oxygen in-creases proportionately. For each onemillimeter of increased pressure of Oxygen, 0.003 millimetres ofOxygen is dissolved in plasma. This amount dissolved in plas-ma, issufficient to oxygenate tissues without hemoglobin borne oxygen.The usual treatment protocols are between 2- 3 ATA and at thesepressures there is enough oxy-gen dissolved in plasma. At 3 ATAthere is sufficient amounts of dissolved oxygen in the plasma tosustain life without blood. (Boerema et al.1960)

    Traumatized tissues auto regulatory mechanism increases bloodflow to compen-sate for hypoxia. In a damaged microcirculation thismechanism causes undesirable swelling. The increases in the oxygencarrying-capacity of the plasma appears to have 2 importanteffects.

    Firstly, in-spite of the collapse of the microcirculation(Hargens&Akeson 1981) the plasma carry sufficient amounts ofoxygen to avoid problems associated with hypoxia. Hyperbaricoxygen, with the treatment pressure (2 ATA) increases thedif-fusion distance by a factor of three (Pierce 1969).

    Second effect; reduction of edema through vasoconstriction.Oxygen under pres-sure causes 20% reduction in blood flow(Bird&Telfer 1965, Nylander, Nordstrom and Erickson 1984;Sukoff&Ragatz 1982). Edema is reduced at the same timemi-crocirculation improves and this enhances re-absorption of fluidand a further reduc-tion of swelling. In addition HBOT appears toprotect microcirculation by reducing venular leukocyte adherenceand inhibiting progressive adjacent arteriolarvasocon-striction.

    Sports Injuries/ Concussions


    Breathing Oxygen under increased pressure of more than 1ATA isreferred to as hyperbaric oxygen therapy or HBOT. This should beconsidered an important adjunctive therapy in the management ofsports injuries.

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    Healing, one breath at a timeHealing, one breath at a time

  • JUNE 2013 MHL

    The important part of treatment and rehabilitation of any injuryis physical therapy with the associated application of HBOT, usingvarious protocols according to the type and origin of the injury.In conclusion, data from many studies suggest that treatment shouldbe instituted with in first 24-48 hours. Some studies indicate thefirst 12 hours is very important and the injury should be treatedaggressively from 2.2 ATA to 2.8 ATA between 60-90 min.

    Two new studies releasedUndersea Hyperb Med. 2013Mar-Apr;40(2):201-4. PMID: 23682550 [PubMed

    - in process]Efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen in patients withCrohns disease: two case reports.Green MS, Purohi M, Sadacharam K,Mychaskiw G.Drexel University College of Medicine, HahnemannUniversity Hospital, Phila-

    delphia, Pennsylvania, USA.[emailprotected] disease is aninflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract, usually

    involving the ileum, that can lead to debilitating symptoms ofabdominal pain, di-arrhea and malabsorption during acuteexacerbations. Because there is no known cause of the illness,treatment is based upon symptomatology and may ultimately requirebowel resection if response to medical therapy is inadequate.Treatment with hyperbaric oxygen has shown promise in the reductionof inflammation associated with acute exacerbations of Crohnsdisease, with alleviation of symptoms and an improvement in qualityof life. We present two cases of pediatric patients withex-acerbations of Crohns disease who underwent cycles of hyperbaricoxygen therapy. Each patient was symptomatic and had no improvementdespite prolonged medical therapy. Following treatment withhyperbaric oxygen, both patients showed resolu-tion of theinflammatory lesions and improvement in conditions, allowing themto reduce drug therapy. Although the mechanisms by which hyperbaricoxygen reduce inflammation in Crohns disease is poorly defined,this therapy seems to have offer a safe adjunct in the treatment ofrefractory exacerbations.

    The efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the management ofchronic fatigue syndrome.

    PMID: 23682549 [PubMed - in process]Akarsu S, Tekin L, Ay H,Carli AB, Tok F, Simek K, Kiralp MZ.Glhane Military Medical AcademyHaydarpasa Training Hospital, Department of

    Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Istanbul, Turkey.[emailprotected]:Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) isa chronic disease with social components that

    ensue secondary to the incapacity of the person to fulfill work,social and family responsibilities. Currently, there is noconsensus regarding its treatment. The aim of this study was todetermine the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) therapy inCFS.

    DESIGN:Sixteen patients included in the study were diagnosedwith CFS according to the

    f*ckuda criteria. Patients received 15 treatment sessions of HBO2therapy over a pe-riod of three consecutive weeks (five days perweek). The outcome measures (visual analog fatigue scale (VAFS).Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) and Fatigue Quality of Life Score(FQLS) were assessed before the treatment and after completion ofthe 15 sessions.

    RESULTS:HBO2 therapy was well tolerated, with no complications.After treatment, pa-

    tients scores were found to have improved with respect to VAFS,FSS and FQLS (all p

  • 10 MHL JUNE 2013

    Call 414-321-7035. Well send aFREE When to Have Your EyesChecked guide and booklets on any eye topic below.

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    By Cheryl L. DejewskiHow sun exposure can damage your eyesnowand in the futureWe all love sunny days, especially those of usWisconsinites who cherish any

    break from the cold and clouds. We also know that while somesunlight is enjoyable, too much can lead to sunburns, blisters and,worse yet, skin cancer. But, have you ever thought about the short-and long-term consequences of ultraviolet (UV) light exposure foryour eyes?

    Studies have shown that long-term exposure to the suns UV rayswithout protection may contribute to the development of various eyedisorders, including macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts,notes Dr. Mark Freedman, a leading eye surgeon at Eye CareSpecialists ophthalmology practice in Milwaukee. The more exposureto bright light, the greater the chances of developing these twoleading causes of visual impairment and blindness.

    UV-A rays have been shown to penetrate deep into the eye and mayinjure the macula, the part of the retina responsible for sight inthe center of the field of vision. UV-B rays are mainly absorbed bythe cornea and lens of the eye and can damage these tissues. Forexample, cataracts are a clouding of the lens of the eye, which maybe increased by exposure to sunlight. Photokeratitis, or cornealsunburn, is a result of intense exposure to UV-B and can causeextreme pain and vision loss for several days. Pterygium is tissuegrowth on the white of the eye that can be caused by UV-lightexposure and may spread to the cornea without treatment and mayeventually require surgery.

    In addition to long-term UV-light exposure, you also need toprotect your eyes from severe damage caused by single outings onvery bright days, reports Dr. Brett Rhode, Head of Ophthalmology atAurora Sinai Medical Center. Excessive exposure to ultravioletlight reflected off sand, snow or pavement can damage the eyessurface. These surface burns are similar to sunburns in that theyusually disappear within a couple of days, however, they may leadto further complications later in life.

    Eye care specialist and continuing education lecturer Dr. DanielFerguson, explains, Its most important to stay out of the sun or toprotect your eyes between 10 and 2, when the suns ultraviolet raysare the strongest. But, you really should just make it a habit towear both sunglasses and a hat or visor whenever youre outside fora prolonged period, even if its gray and overcast. Ferguson adds,No matter what your age, you should take precautions. If youinstill these habits in children early on, it will be easier toenforce, and youll be protecting their sight for the future.

    But what type of sunglasses should you wear? You need to buysunglasses that block 99 to 100 percent of the same UV-A and UV-Brays that can damage your skin, advises Daniel Paskowitz, MD, PhD,a highly credentialed ophthalmologist with special training incorneal procedures. And, dont be misled by the color of the lens orthe price tag dangling from the frame. The ability to block UVlight is not dependent on the darkness of the lens. UV protectioncomes from a chemical coating applied to the lens surface. As forcost, many $10 sunglasses provide equal


    Summer Sun And Sparks

    EYE>>page 54

  • JUNE 2013 MHL 11

    With pleasant spring temperatures comes the urge to become moreactive. Before summer heat takes over, encourage your senior toen-gage in light physical activity, such as walking.

    Regular walking, a favorite exercise for seniors, is one of themost effective forms of activity that delivers substantial healthbenefits and improves heart health, according to the American HeartAssociation.

    Walking is easy to start and continue, and it has the lowestdropout rate of any physical activity. The American HeartAssociation even offers Walking Clubs, which allow participants toconnect with others who share similar goals, lifestyles, schedulesand hobbies and do it

    for free. The recommended level of moderate aerobic exercise is150 minutes per week; according to an AHA survey, only

    15 percent of American adults reach that goal. Walking for aslittle as 30 minutes a day will help your senior loved one improvecirculation, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and promoteweight loss.

    To make walking even more enjoyable for your senior loved one,try this light exercise today. The Leg Curl is de-signed to helpmake walking and climbing stairs easier for a senior. Heres what todo:

    01 Stand behind a sturdy chair, holding on for balance. Lift oneleg straight back without bending the knee or pointing the toes.Breathe in slowly.02 Breathe out, slowly bringing the heel uptoward the buttocks as far as possible.03 Bend only from the knee,keeping hips still. The leg you are standing on should be slightlybent.04 Hold position for 1 second.05 Breathe in, slowly loweringthe foot to the floor.06. Repeat 10 15 times.07 Repeat 10 15 timeswith the other leg.08 Repeat 10 15 more times with eachleg.National Institute on AgingConsider getting a pedometer foryour senior. Encourage them to clip it to their belt in the morningand wear it all

    day long. Wearing a pedometer is a simple way to keep track ofdaily steps. They may be surprised at how many steps they take eachday while walking, running an errand, and even doing chores aroundthe house. Have your loved one keep a daily log of their steps andmotivate them to set small fitness goals each week.

    At Home Instead Senior Care serving the North Milwaukee Countyarea, we know that simple activities like walk-ing can stave off orreverse frailty in seniors, prevent against balance disorders andfalls, and generally improve physi-cal and emotionalwell-being.

    To incorporate light physical activity such as walking into yoursenior loved ones lifestyle, consider enlisting a Home InsteadCAREGiver, who can serve as a walking companion or transport yoursenior loved one to the mall, local museum or a community gardenfor some scenic exercise.

    For more information about helping seniors lead more active andhealthy lives, please call Home Instead Senior Care of Milwaukee at(414) 882-5464, or Like us on Facebook. You can also find moreinformation about physical









    6000, email: [emailprotected].

    intended to replace the knowledge or diagnosis of your doctor.We advise seeing a physician when-ever a health problem arisesrequiring an experts care.


    Lewis Media GroupAmanda LewisMalberry Media Marlys LewisJerryKornowskiMarlys MetzgerBarry Lewis

    publisherseditorgraphic design

    travel editorfounder




    Lewis Media Group | Malberry Media |www.modernhealthandliving.com

    February 2011 Note









    February 2011 EDITION

    This month I wanted to start things off with new and modernchanges.Starting with the QR code. Get your cell phones out andscan the code on thefront and enjoy our new updated website. If youdont have the phone thatscans, no problem, just go towww.modernhealthandliving.com as nd evenmore information abouthealthy living.

    I am very pleased that youve decided to join us this month. Thisis our BIGHealth Awareness issue. We have packed so much up-to-dateinformation intothese pages that this issue is just bursting withhealth! We have something formen and women of all ages. We contactlocal health professionals every monthand are thankful that manyhave contributed to this issue. They are keenlyaware of healthconcerns for this region (very important). We stay in touchwiththem so they can stay in touch with you. I think youll ndsomethinghere that can help you lead a healthier life. We hope thatyou share this specialissue with friends and family, too.

    .shtnomdlocesehttuohguorhtevitcaenimpeekotyrtI,ylimaffognikaepSMychildren are taking a Tae Kwon Do class 4 times a week. I encourageyouto try to nd something to keep your children active and social.Wheather itsgymnastics, dance, sport or just running around incircles, staying active keepsthe body and mind healthy anddeveloping.

    To us adults with Super Bowl Sunday and myself hosting themonthlyBunco get together this equals food, food and even morefood. Its so importantto keep ourself active, so it might be timeto get that gym membership or startwalking the malls again. Stayactive!!! I hope you have a wonderful Februaryand will touch baseagain in March

    -Amanda Lewis

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    Walk This WayRegular walking, a favorite exercise for seniors,is one of the most effective forms of activity that deliverssubstan-tial health benefits and improves heart health...

    EYE>>page 54

  • 12 MHL JUNE 2013


    The newest Samsung notepad has a lot to like about it. It looksand feels very reminiscent of the Galaxy S3 cell phone and is verylight. The 8 screen is vibrant with the colors and text very

    appealing. Samsung uses Smart Stay technology to determine ifyour eyes are watching the screen. If the pad feels you are notwatching it will shut it off to save battery.

    A feature that makes this pad unique is the S-Pen. This penallows you to draw and make notes using a pen directly on to thetablet. This feature is unique to the Galaxy 8 and has been highlytouted by their users.

    The rear facing camera is 5 megapixel and does a nice job oftaking pictures.

    The Note 8.0 comes with the usual apps and runs on the Android4.1.2 Jelly Bean operating system. You can also use the pad as aremote for the tv.

    All and all, this is a very nice unit that is comfortable tohold, holds a long charge and has an appealing interface.

    Fiskars Titanium Bypass Pro Pruner

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    The source of Icelandic Glacial is Ice-lands legendary lfusSpring. Formed over 5,000 years ago, the lfus Spring iscontinuously replenished by a grad-ual filtration of rainfall andsnowmelt over uninhabited and untouched lava fields. One of theworlds largest natu-ral springs, over 900,000 cubic meters of wateroverflows from the lfus Spring into the ocean every day. This ismore than twice the amount of all bottled wa-ter consumedworldwide.

    Glacial Waterwww.icelandicglacial.com

    Fiskars is one of the biggest names in pruning shears. Thesepruners dont disappoint. The handle is contoured nicely to yourgrip and they cut through small branches with ease. A must have forany gardener.



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    Contact Malberry Design for more info 414-659-6705.

  • 14 MHL JUNE 2013




  • JUNE 2013 MHL 1

    Dr. Michele Nickels, ND, LAcTo live in the 21st Century means tolive in a toxic world. We are exposed daily

    to numerous environmental toxins and pollutants. Environmentaltoxins are on the increase and pose a problem in the form of veryserious health risks, as thousands of toxic substances find theirway into our air, water and the soil in which we grow our food.

    While our livers, kidneys, skin and lymphatic systems work roundthe clock to eliminate these dangerous toxins from our body, theyvery often just cannot keep up, and the result is a buildup ofpoisons in the system which destroy body tissue, damage organs,depress the immune system and leave the door open to a number ofserious illnesses.

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding large quantities of toxins,up to one third of the mothers total body burden, are passed to thebaby. Any toxin in a mother is found in her baby at an even higherconcentration. Because of this, it is imperative to decrease thetoxic burden of mom and baby through safe and effectivedetoxification. Chlorella offers a simple avenue to decrease thetoxic burden.

    Chlorella has long been touted as the wonder food from the sea.Chlorella is a genus of single-celled green algae, belonging to thephylum Chlorophyta. Chlorella contains the green photosyntheticpigments chlorophyll. Chlorella is high in protein and otheressential nutrients; when dried, it is about 45% protein, 20% fat,20% car-bohydrate, 5% fiber, and 10% minerals and vitamins. In thisalgae, there are several nutrients that can improve health.Chlorella is a potent source of B-12, a vitamin commonly found inproteins. It also contains B-1, B-2, folic acid, and vitamins C andK. Its unique composition gives this plant significant antioxidantproperties and provides a boost to the body. It repairs damagedcells tissue, purifies the body from environmental toxins, elevatesred blood cell levels, increases vitality and health and has evenbeen praised for its beneficial effects on cancer patients.

    What is most appealing from a pregnancy and breastfeedingstandpoint is that not only does chlorella pull toxins from themothers blood; it does so without interfering with nutrient supportor uptake of baby. Studies in rats have confirmed that chlorellaaids in protection from, and detoxification of, certain toxicchemicals. A study look-ing at mothers breastfeeding found thatthose taking chlorella had increased levels of IgA, the bodysnatural defense antibodies that can help protect baby. Chlorellaalso helped clear dioxin, a toxin, from the breast milk. Chlorellaalso restores the vitality of nursing women who often becomefatigued from the drain of vitamins and minerals as the result ofshort or long-term nursing.

    Chlorella contains large quantities of organic folate, vitaminB-12 and iron. Fo-late is necessary in early pregnancy to preventbirth defects. Every pregnant woman is encouraged to increase herintake of iron, and most doctors prescribe iron pills, butchlorella improves hemoglobin levels more quickly and efficientlythan iron pills. Studies have shown that women taking chlorellademonstrated improvements in ane-mia in their second and thirdtrimesters.

    Supplements that contain chlorella typically use chlorellapyrenoidosa or chlo-rella vulgaris. The pyrenoidosa was morecommonly used in the studies referenced above, though the vulgarisform also contains vitamin benefits. A typical starting dosage foradults is 500 mg taken twice a day, at or after a meal. This dosagecould then be titrated to 1,500-2,000 mg a day, in divided doses. Agood rule of thumb is if your breast milk and stool are a lightgreen, you are taking the correct dose. Pa-tients who are on theblood thinner Coumadin (warfarin) should take chlorella with aphysicians supervision. Chlorella is tolerated well, with mosthuman studies listing no significant side effects.

    Chlorella has great potential as a super nutrient for the body.Its detoxification abilities and nutrient content make it animportant part of a pregnancy and breast-feeding nutritionprogram.

    Dr. Michele Nickels, www.ifwcenter.com

    Is It Safe?Detox During Pregnancy?

    Michele A. Nickels, N.D., L.Ac.Angela F. English, D.C.CherriSchleicher, FNPc., APNP., AHN-BC.Bozena Simon, M.D.Kim E. Saxe,N.D.

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  • 16 MHL JUNE 2013

    One of the major determinants of our heath is our nutritionalstatus. When we give our cells the nutrients that they need we havegood energy and we maintain a healthy immune system. When wedevelop nutritional deficiencies or excesses we cause moreoxidative stress and prevent our cells from functioning properlyleading to the slow development of chronic diseases, diabetes,heart disease, hypertension, cancer, and autoimmune diseases.

    Most people grew up believing that eating a well-balanced dietwould keep them healthy. In fact we were told that if we ate awell-balanced diet we didnt even need extra vitamins. Today we arenow being told that there are epidemic increases in the rates ofheart disease, diabetes, stroke, obesity, and many other chronicinflammatory diseases. So what happened?

    In the last 50 years there have been significant changes to howour foods are grown and produced. Our meats are primarily raised infeedlots. Many of our staple foods now come from geneticallymodified organisms (GMO). A significant part of our diet comes fromprocessed and fast foods.

    Feedlot raised animals have up to 10 times more omega-6 fatsthan do pasture raised animals. Too many Omega-6 fats causeinflammation. GMO crops play a sig-nificant role in the increase infood allergies and there are unknown long-term risks of possiblegenetic transfer to our own intestinal bacteria. Processed foodsare devoid of many of their original nutrients and many are high inomega-6 fats and simple sugars. In addition, we were given a foodpyramid in the early 90s that was heavily weighted towardscarbohydrates, more than 50% coming from, breads rice, pasta andcereal.

    This large percentage of carbohydrates is a major problem madeworse by how we actually implemented the pyramid. The originalrecommendations stated that more than 50% of the grains should befrom whole grains. We didnt do this. Almost all of our breads andcereals are from processed grains, which have lost up to 90% oftheir nutrients, including vitamins: B1, B2 B3, B5, B6, B9, E andminerals: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganeseand selenium. These nutrients are needed for energy production,optimum hormone balance and proper immune sys-tem function.

    In the 30 years from 1980 to 2010 we have increased our intakeof these nutrition-ally deficient carbohydrates from grains by 34%.During this same time period we increased our added fat intake by44%, our added sweeteners by 10% and our total calorie intake by19%.We are now facing the consequences of a diet that is slowlykilling us.

    So what can we do about it? The simple solution is: 01 Eathealthy( Organic, Non-GMO) 02 Eat less(Decrease carbohydrates andincrease vegetables.) 0 Move more( exercise 5 times a week for atleast 30 minutes). If this were easy to do we would not have theproblems that we are currently fac-

    ing and as usual the devil is in the detail. In todays fastpaced market driven society we are continually bombarded with

    fad diets, ads for supplements promising to make everythingbetter and contradictory information from many sources. There isnot one solution for all. What each of us

    Article written by Flip Troiano, MD, GreenSquare Center For TheHealing Arts

    Where Did Our Health Go?

    HEALTH>>page 17

  • JUNE 2013 MHL 1

    needs to do is to start with an analysis of our currentnutritional status and integrate that with appropriate lifestylemodifications. These are some things that most of us can or shoulddo:

    Eat organic Non-GMO foods whenever possibleDecrease totalcarbohydrates including simple processed sugar sand processed

    grains.Decrease saturated fats, trans fats and cis fats.Decreasefatty meatsIncrease Omega-3 fatsIncrease vegetables (5 servings perday)Eat whole fruits (3-4 servings of whole fruits per day) - Avoidfruit juicesEliminate soda both regular and dietExercise: You donthave to be an Olympic athlete to be healthy but you do need

    to exercise for 30 minutes 5 times per week.If further help isneeded full biochemical analyses of nutritional deficienciescan

    be done and integrated with evaluations of, genetic factors,environmental exposures, hormone levels, sleep patterns, stresslevels, support systems and exercise habits to form the basis ofindividually tailored health plans aimed at optimizing health,de-creasing chances of developing chronic diseases and improvingquality of life.

    Article written by Flip Troiano, MD, specialty in Integrative,Anti-Aging & Func-tional Medicine, including chronic diseaseevaluation, and sports performance man-agement. Office atGreensquare Center for the Healing Arts, 6789 N. Green Bay Avenue,Glendale, WI, 53209, 414.292.3900 Ext. 215 or 414.216.3547.

    Where Did Our Health Go?

    KARLA HERMANN,CH | 6789 N. Green Bay Ave. | Glendale, WI 53209 |(262) 264-0214(Located inside GreenSquare Center for the HealingArts)

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    Hypnotherapy is THE Missing Component for Permanent WeightManagement!The most recent government statistics show that morethan a third of American

    adults are trying to lose weight. Yet with two-thirds of thiscountrys adults either overweight or obese, its reasonable tosurmise that all this dieting isnt working. With a variety of dietsavailable the focus still remains on what goes into stomachsinstead of whats going on in our minds. Compelling evidencesuggests that the secret to successful weight loss and managementis changing your relationship to food.

    During hypnosis we can speak to the subconscious mind, and withhypnotherapy we are able to get to underlying issues as to why youovereat in the first place. Re-gression to cause is a fascinatingand rewarding discipline of hypnosis. First under-stand that theSubconscious Mind (SC) holds all memory and truly does know why youdo the things you do; even when you think you dont know why you dothem. Second, when in the relaxed and meditative state of hypnosis,you can access all memories including regressing to the originatingcause of unwanted behaviors.

    Once we have the information of the cause, we can go aboutresolving those old negative feelings and re-write a healthierprogram. Its important to understand that knowing the cause of theunwanted behavior does not necessarily mean the positive change isimminent. The positive change may require a few to several meetingswith a qualified hypnotist depending on the gravity of the unwantedbehavior and the depth to which it has been imprinted in the SCmind. The good news is that the SC

    Article written Karla Herman, CH, GreenSquare Center For TheHealing Arts

    HEALTHpage 55

  • 18 MHL JUNE 2013

    Anthony S Blair and Kimberly StueberMy body was slightly tense,waiting on the needles to prick my skin. Id heard

    of acupuncture and the benefits of acupuncture treatment. Thiswas my first try and didnt know what to expect. His method isdiversion. As I lay on the table, Dr. Zhou talks to me and touchesdifferent areas of my leg. Where I expected to feel the prick ofthe needles and where the needles actually went in were differentwhich mini-mized the pain. Dr. Zhou is skillful in his insertion ofthe needles. I believe most peo-ples aversion to needles makesacupuncture seem more painful than it is. Injuring my Achillestendon playing basketball I sought to heal myself. Traditionaldoctors told me I needed surgery. I never had surgery and wasresistant to being cut, scarring, anesthesia, and the cost. Afriend recommended acupuncture and after doing some research,settled on Dr. Zhou. 30 minutes, 15 needles, 3 glass suction cups,and a heat lamp later I had noticeably greater mobility &flexibility I came in on crutches and left walking in a brace.After further treatments my injury healed in the same amount oftime it would have taken with invasive surgery. And I dont have thescar or the $5,000 bill, amazing.

    Stories like these are very common after people visit Dr. XiPingZhou. Zhou, a doctor of oriental medicine, licensed acupuncturist,and the founder and president of Dr. Zhous Acupuncture and PainManagement Clinic in Madison, WI, says Acu-puncture is perfect fornaturally treating pain and many other conditions.

    The name given to one of the points in acupuncture work -Gushing Spring is symbolic of the roots of this ancient Chinesefolk medicine that aims to balance the

    energy system of qi (pronounced chee) and treat common disordersand pain all at the same time. Acu comes from the Latin word Acusmeaning needle and puncture comes from Late Latin word puncturameaning a pricking. Thus the technique consists of pricking anacupuncture point with a needle. Acupuncture developed out of theneed to apply pressure to the body, treat wounds, and lanceinfectious lesions. The earliest evidence of practices similar toacupuncture date back to the New Stone Age (8,000-2,000 B.C, thefirst acupuncture needles were crudely shaped & made fromstones known as Bian Stones. Crude Bian Stones gave way to moreskillfully shaped needles made of pottery. With the development ofmetallurgical techniques, the metal needle superceded the potteryneedles and Bian Stones. The term acupunc-ture didnt surface untilshortly after the Ming Dynasty in 1684.

    According to Zhou, acupuncture is an element of traditionalChinese medicine (TCM). Beyond the benefits of pain relief andtreatment of common disorders, acu-puncture is holistic - keepingthe mind, body and spirit balanced and in harmony. It is a completeapproach, Zhou says. By working treats the source of the disordernot just the symptoms.

    It would be accurate to say that acupuncture treats disorders ofQI, Blood and disturbances of the Organ Networks but this doesntcorrespond to the Western vocabulary of named diseases andconditions. Acupuncture can be helpful for: pain management,withdrawal from addictions, post-surgical recovery, chronic fatigueand signs of aging and decreased immunity. Some of the manyconditions for which

    Our team of experts specializing in Pain Management,WomansHealth and Body-Mind Integration

    Call (414) 962 5249 or Visit us at AcupunctureHerbalMD.com

    We can help you with:Depression and Chronic Fatigue Chronic andAcute PainHeadaches and MigraineFibromyalgia/Arthritis Allergiesand Asthma Womens and Mens healthand more...and more...

    Dr. Xiping Zhou M.D.O.M., L.Ac.Over 30 years of experience



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    cture & W

    ellness Clinic

    The Best Alternative Method For Pain Relief

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  • JUNE 2013 MHL 1

    acupuncture is considered appropriate are listed by the WorldHealth Organization of the United Nations.

    For 13 years Lisa suffered from hormonal migraines and chronicdaily head-aches. In 2007 she celebrated a pain free Christmasholiday the first in 12 years. After 8 months of acupuncture, thefrequency of Lisas hormonal headaches have decreased by about 70%.But what makes Lisas success so powerful is the quality of life sheshares with her family now. She is enjoying her life again and herfamily is delighted to have their wife and mother fully engaged intheir lives and home.

    A new study of acupuncture the most rigorous and detailedanalysis of the treatment to date found that it can ease migrainesand arthritis and other forms of chronic pain.

    The findings provide strong scientific support for an age-oldtherapy used by an estimated three million Americans each year.Though acupuncture has been studied for decades, the body ofmedical research on it has been mixed and mired to some extent bysmall and poor-quality studies. Financed by the National Institutesof Health and carried out over about half a decade, the newresearch was a detailed analysis of earlier research that involveddata on nearly 18,000 patients. Acupunc-ture, which involvesinserting needles at various places on the body to stimulateso-called acupoints, is among the most widely practiced forms ofalternative medicine in the country and is offered by manyhospitals. Most commonly the treatment is sought by adults lookingfor relief from chronic pain, though it is also used with growingfrequency in children. According to government estimates, about150,000 children in the United States underwent acupuncture in2007.(http://well.blogs.ny-times.com/2012/09/11/acupuncture-provides-true-pain-relief-in-study/,OConnor, Anahad)

    Additionally Time magazine stated that more than a quarter ofall Americans suffer from pain daily. This costs the U.S. about $60billion in lost productivity annually. Additionally, Americansspent $2.6 billion on over-the-counter pain medi-cations andanother nearly $14 billion on out patient analgesics. Recentfindings in the Journal of the American Medical Association foundthat spending on spine treat-ments totaled nearly $86 billion in2005 which is a 65% increase from 1997. How-ever the proportion ofpeople with impaired function because of spine problems increasedduring the same period even after controlling for an agingpopulation. All of these facts point to the reality that modernpain treatments arent working. On the other hand people are findinggreat success with Acupuncture, a treatment that is over 5,000years old.

    But Dr. Zhou says acupuncture and Chinese medicine is reallybeyond needles and beyond pain. He uses acupuncture to treat a widerange of conditions, in-cluding type 2 diabetes, thyroidimbalances, hormonal problems, irritable bowel syndrome, depressionand more.

    For more information and to learn more:Contact: Dr. Zhou (414)405-1688Address: 4601 N Oakland Ave. Shorewood, WI 53211Website:www.acupunctureherbalmd.com

    Our team of experts specializing in Pain Management,WomansHealth and Body-Mind Integration

    Call (414) 962 5249 or Visit us at AcupunctureHerbalMD.com

    We can help you with:Depression and Chronic Fatigue Chronic andAcute PainHeadaches and MigraineFibromyalgia/Arthritis Allergiesand Asthma Womens and Mens healthand more...and more...

    Dr. Xiping Zhou M.D.O.M., L.Ac.Over 30 years of experience



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  • 20 MHL JUNE 2013

    Aches and pains have long plagued people of all ages and walksof life. But exciting new technological advances are helpingdoctors of chiropractic get to the root causes of pain more rapidlythan ever before. Statewide professionals, are using lasers totreat arthritis pain and dysfunction more efficiently by reducingthe swelling and improving circulation to the affected tissues.

    Dr. Evans, owner of Evans Chiropractic & Pain Laser Clinicin New Berlin, began using the noninvasive therapy system known asthe MLS Class 4 Laser at her clinic in January of 2011. Theresponse from patients has been phenomenal. I have patientstravelling from as far away as Sheboygan

    This is definitely the wave of the future, said Dr. Evans, whohas been a practicing chiropractor for 22 years. With the financialconstraints of the current economy and rising

    health insurance costs, people need to get better faster.Whiletraditional chiropractic treatments typically would take three tofour months to achieve a positive outcome,

    now with adding laser treatments the healing process isaccelerated and patients are recovering in half the time. MLS Class4 Lasers, approved for use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administrationfive years ago, work in what is

    called a dual wave pattern, meaning the device performs twofunctions at once on the patients body. One wave form relieves painwhile the other accelerates the healing process.

    This new technology gets patients better faster, this past yearhas been very exciting as I have been able to witness patientsrecover in ways I hadnt seen before implementing this type of Lasertherapy, Evans said.

    The biggest problem any clinician faces when treating patientswho are in pain is how to safely and effectively ad-dressinflammation.

    All too often, physicians want to block the inflammatory processwith medications both prescribed and over the counter, but you needto work with it instead, she said. This is where laser treatmentsmake all the difference. The laser accelerates the inflammatoryprocess (ie healing process) and this is why the patient recoversmore quickly.

    As advances have been made with technology, Class 4 lasers haveenabled chiropractic professionals to venture into previouslyunheard of territory. Treatments were almost always ineffective forpeople where scar tissue had formed. Modern laser treatments havegiven professionals an opportunity to work through scar tissue ascenario that has proven especially beneficial for the elderly andpeople who have had surgery.

    One of the laser wave forms actually can break up old scartissue when paired with the correct machine parameters thusallowing for greater joint motion and flexibility, Evans said. Ilike to think of it as WD-40 for the joints.

    Walking has long been recommended as a key exercise inaddressing weight gainparticularly for the aging popula-tion. Butwhen a person has joint problems and pain, when walking could be abeneficial exercise is not an option.

    Our bodies are meant to move but when movement causes pain it isalmost impossible to remain healthy and vital thru the agingprocess, Evans said.

    At Evans Chiropractic & Pain Laser Clinic, patientstypically undergo between 8 and 10 Laser treatments beforeinflammation has been adequately addressed and healing truly takeshold. A typical laser treatment lasts between 10 and 20 minutes, ispainless, completely safe and has no adverse side effects.


    You might have some type ofarthritis if you have:

    *Ongoing joint pain *Joint swelling *Joint stiffness *Tendernessor pain when touch ing a joint *Problems using or moving a jointnormally * Warmth and redness in a joint



    MLS Class 4 Lasers, approved for use by the U.S. Food and DrugAdministration five years ago, work in what is called a dual wavepattern, meaning the device performs two functions at once on thepatients body.

  • JUNE 2013 MHL 21


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    By Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar, M.D.In the early 1900s, in theUnited States, the leading cause of

    death was from infectious and gastrointestinal diseases.Car-diovascular disease was the fourth leading cause of death.

    By the late 1900s, cardiovascular disease was the leading causeof death with cancer rising as the second leading cause ofdeath.

    The leading causes of death in our time are diseases of stressrelated and chronic stress makes us vulnerable to developing themover time.

    We hear so much about stress being the underlying factor in mostof our illnesses of mind, body and emotions in todays world. Thephysiological link between stress and disease has been extensivelystudied and understood. It is important to gain an understanding ofthis so that one can mitigate its effects on ones health.

    When we think of stress, we think of an event or a stimulus outthere or extrinsic that causes our stress. Most of the stress wefeel is not extrinsic. Extrinsic stress oc-curs at certain stagesof our life and includes lifes unavoidable surprises. Divorce,death of a close family member or a friend and loss of a job, andaccidents are some examples of extrinsic stressors. The mostfrequent stressors are the daily stressors that occur a hundred ora thousand times per day. Deadlines, dysfunctional relation-shipdynamics, lack of boundaries and limits, imbalance with our selfcare and poor time management are stressors that are mostlyintrinsic; these can be regulated and modulated by our perceptionsand awareness and be modified by our choices over them. Most of theintrinsic stressors are due to a perception that filters the eventin our mind as a threat to our system. Our own negative self talkthat regulates our self esteem and perceptions of ourselves inrelationship to reality is the biggest stressor there is. Most ofus are unaware of the self talk. It contaminates all aspects of ourlife.

    When the brain perceives an event as a threat, the limbic systemgets activated. This is part of the midbrain and is wired forsurvival. It is responsible for our fight or flight response. Ourendocrine system through our adrenals and our immune system aredirectly affected by our limbic system. The reaction time by thelimbic system to enable our survival is in nanoseconds. Weliterally do not have time to think about our response to aperceived threat. We move into survival and react as if our lifedepended on it. In todays world, we do this thousands of times perday. When we overuse our survival mechanism, we create burnout andillness in our body. Our system becomes hyper-aroused and theadrenalin and cortisol (stress hormones) do not shut down. Theresult of this is heart disease, immune dysfunction leading toautoimmune diseases and cancer, depression, anxiety, insomnia andchronic fatigue. The emotional consequence of chronic stress is afeeling of hopelessness and a life lacking in meaning.

    Over the years my patients have talked with me about theirstress and have hun-gered for a way to mitigate it in order to cometo balance and well being. I recog-nized that the perceptual filterthat interprets life from a place of stress is important toidentify in order to respond differently to our circ*mstances. Oncewe can develop an awareness of this perceptual pattern, we canchange our responses to life and re-claim ourselves from automaticreactive patterns of behavior.

    This has a powerful affect on our ability to lead and to bepresent in our jobs, par-ticularly if they are stress provokingpositions that require leadership.

    I have found in the Executive Program that I have developedthrough measured assessment scales that this type of process has asignificant positive impact on in-creasing meaning, reducing stressrelated symptoms and with an 85% predictive value reducing theoutcomes of behavioral, physical and emotional illness. It also


    Redefining Health

    STRESS>>page 55

    www.modernhealthandliving.comGet even more healthy livingarticles at

  • 22 MHL JUNE 2013

    NEUROPATHY By Boris Matthews, PhD, LCSW Did you know that manypsychotherapists have never been clients in psycho-therapy? Did youknow this matters?

    Recently I was in a conversation with a public member of theAmerican Board for Accreditation in Psychoanalysis (www.abapinc.org/ ), of which I am a professional member. This is avery accomplished person who was surprised when he found out thatpsychotherapists have classroom training and supervision for doingpsychother-apy, but many have never experienced psychotherapy orpsychoanalysis as clients or patients. How could that be, hewondered. The answer is that not all psychotherapists have equallyrigorous training.

    To put it simply: in all forms of psychology, the personality ofany therapist is the therapeutic instrument. This is whypsychotherapists of all stripes should undergo a rigorous course ofpsychotherapy just as board certified psychoanalysts do. This sayssomething about the training and aims of psychotherapy andpsychoanalysis.

    First: a clarification between the training of psychotherapistsand psychoanalysts. All board certified psychoanalysts are requiredto undergo in-depth psychoanalysis as part of their formaltraining. (Board certification in psychoanalysis comes from theNational Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis,www.naap.org .) Psychotherapists who are not psychoanalysts may ormay not have been clients in psychotherapy.

    There is another major difference between psychoanalysis andpsychotherapy. Psychotherapy often focuses primarily on conscioustechniques, tools and treatment goals to help you achieve a betteradaptation to your life circ*mstances. (This is often necessary anduseful.) Psychoanalysis often includes these therapeutic elements,but also pays close attention to identifying and exploring whatlies outside your daytime consciousness, but nevertheless has aninfluence on your waking life. What you are not conscious of can begold or garbage. If its goldfor example, possibilities and talentsyou havent discovered in yourself and developedyou should haveaccess to them and be able to cultivate them. If garbage, itsgetting in your way and needs to be dug up, processed anddetoxified. You cant dig it up and process it if you are unawarethat it is there, which means self-knowledge in depth. And you cantdig it up and process it if your therapist hasnt been through thatexperience as a client.

    Its easy for a therapist or anyone else to say, I know myself. Iknow who I am. However, this usually means something like This iswho and what I think I am. This is my opinion of myself. Have youever heard someone say or do something really gross and then, whenit is pointed out, that person says, I never say things like that!Oh, I never do anything like that. Or if they do admit to havingsaid or done some-thing out of character, they will perhaps say,Something must have got into me.

    Well, something did get into them, but it was something fromoutside their con-sciousness, something of which they were notaware, maybe some of their garbage or hidden gold; their shadow.Even if they dont want to acknowledge that shadowy something, ittook over for the moment.

    We learn about those shadowy parts of our personality in variousways, but most explicitlyand sometimes painfullyas we interact withother people. You have probably observed what I am talking about,and maybe even tried to point out to someone an aspect of theirshadow. Did you notice your tone of voice when you spoke toso-and-so? There was nothing wrong with my tone of voice. And theperson spoken to feels crushed or insulted. The speaker was notaware of (or would not admit) that something insensitive, hurtful,cynical, or harsh had spoken, some-thing that perhaps the speakertruly did not recognize in his or herself that rose up and coloredthe tone of voice.

    In everybody there are shadow elements: sensitivities, woundedplaces, suppressed impulses and reactions (garbage), but alsounlived and/or repressed potentials (hid-den gold). Sincepsychotherapists are human, they, too, harbor shadow elements. Whenyou go to a psychotherapist for help, you wantand have the right toexpect

    Did You Know...?

  • JUNE 2013 MHL 23



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    and demandthat the therapist has not only fulfilled academicrequirements for the job, but has done the personal work of gettingin-depth self-knowledge. This means getting to know theirless-than-sterling (i.e., shadowy) personality elements, as well asthe unlived potentials that they may (unconsciously) want you tolive since they cannot, will not, or are unaware of them. (This iscalled projection.) This sort of depth exploration on the part ofthe therapist is equivalent to the doctor washing his or her handsbefore your medical examination. You dont need to be contaminatedwhen you are going for healing.

    Through good psychotherapy, psychotherapists and psychoanalystsfind out more about themselves, especially those parts ofthemselves that they prefer not to own or dont even know about, butthat nevertheless make themselves heard and seen from time to time.In good psychotherapy, therapists calibrate themselves. Onedefini-tion of calibrate reads: to standardize (as a measuringinstrument) by determining the deviation from a standard so as toascertain the proper correction factors. Psychother-apists have toknow how they deviate from a standard so as to ascertain the propercorrection factors. For psychotherapists and psychoanalysts thismeans knowing where they are wounded and, consequently, where theyover or under-react, as well as recognizing life possibilities theyhavent lived and perhaps have no chance of living. This meansrecognizing their biasestheir gold and garbage--and hence wheretheir perception and judgment may be skewed. Good psychotherapistshave devoted serious work as clients in psychotherapy orpsychoanalysis getting to know themselves in depth. Thats why notonly the psychotherapists formal training, but also their work onthemselves matters to you as a client receiving their services.

    I have a sincere recommendation: if you are thinking aboutentering psycho-therapy, do more than Google psychotherapistsonline or look for someone in the Yellow Pages. Interview theprospective therapist. They may be surprised by your questions, butpsychotherapists and psychoanalysts need not be defensive abouttheir training and their personal work (which does not mean theytell you their life story!). If they are defensive, thats probablynot the right one for you. It does make a differ-ence and itmatters.

    Boris Matthews, PhD, LCSW is a nationally certifiedpsychoanalyst (a.k.a. Jung-ian Analyst) at the Ommani Center forIntegrative Medicine. He also serves on the faculty of the C. G.Jung Institute of Chicago, Illinois. He has been in practice forover twenty years and has been offering his services at Ommanisince 2005. Con-tact him through the Ommani Center website:www.ommanicenter.com or at phone 608.217.5184.

    Did You Know...?

  • JUNE 2013 MHL 25





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  • JUNE 2013 MHL 27

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    Only 13.5 percent of girls and 36.3 percent of boys age 12 to 19in the United States get the recommended daily amount (RDA) ofcalcium, placing them at serious risk for osteoporosis and otherbone diseases, according to statistics from the U.S. Department ofa*griculture. Because nearly 90 percent of adult bone mass isestablished by the end of this age range, the nations youth standin the midst of a calcium crisis.

    Osteoporosis is a pediatric disease with geriatric consequences,said Duane Alexander, M.D., director of the National Institute ofChild Health and Human Development (NICHD), sponsor of the MilkMatters calcium education campaign. Preventing this and other bonediseases begins in childhood. With low calcium intake levels duringthese important bone growth periods, todays children and teens arecertain to face a serious public health problem in the future.

    The health risks related to low calcium intake are not justyears away, explained Dr. Alexander. Children are drinking moresoft drinks and more non-citrus drinks than they used to;meanwhile, milk consumption has dropped. The number of fracturesamong children and young adults has increased, probably due tolower intakes of calcium. Pediatricians are also seeing there-emergence of rickets, a bone disease that results from lowlevels of vitamin D. Rickets became almost nonexistent aftervitamin D was added to milk in the 1950s, but is now appearing atgreater rates around the country.

    But the major effects of this crisis are yet to come.As thesechildren get older, this calcium crisis will become more seriousas

    the population starts to show its highest rate of osteoporosisand other bone health problems in our nations history, Dr.Alexander said. But we need to remember that this is a preventableand correctable public health problem.

    Getting children to pay attention to their calcium needs is achallenge for scientists and educators, he adds. For this reason,the NICHD has expanded its Milk Matters campaign and Web site tospeak directly to children and their parents about calcium.

    Previously, the NICHD developed educational materials that areused primarily by educators, nurses, and physicians to convey theimportance of adequate calcium consumption among children andteens. Now, NICHD has expanded its Web site to give children andtheir parents more direct access to the information and will beadding games and other interactive content specifically forkids.

    The Institutes Milk Matters campaign stresses low-fat orfat-free milk as the preferred source of dietary calciumbecause:

    Milk has a high calcium content. Calcium in milk is easilyabsorbed by the body. Milk contains other nutrients, includingvitamin D, vitamin A, B12, potassium,

    magnesium, and protein, that are essential to healthy bone andtooth development.The NICHD bases its recommendations on the 1994National Institutes of Health

    (NIH) Consensus Development Conference on Optimal CalciumIntake, and on additional guidance from the 2000 NIH ConsensusDevelopment Conference on Osteoporosis Prevention, Diagnosis, andTherapy.

    If you dont drink milk, its important to get calcium from othersources, like other dairy products, green leafy vegetables, andfoods with added calcium, explained Dr. Alexander.

    The Milk Matters campaign offers a variety of free materials onthe importance of calcium in the diets of children and teens.Brochures, booklets, fact sheets, coloring books, stickers, andposters are among those items available on its recently revampedWeb site, most in both English and Spanish. The Milk Matters Website, www.nichd.nih.gov/milkmatters, is also an excellent sourcefor information on calcium for health care professionals.

    Calcium CrisisIS YOUR



    If you dont drink milk, its important to get calcium

    from other sources.

  • 28 MHL JUNE 2013

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    Youth development experts agree that the benefits to summer campare many. According to the American Camp Association, camp providesan opportunity for children to develop meaningful friendships aswell as the life-skills of leadership, teamwork and problemsolving.

    Yet another benefit is that camp can stem summer learning loss,or the big eras-er, as some educators call it. Its a serious issue,according to the National Summer Learning Association, which foundthat all young people experience learning losses when they are notengaged in educational activities in the summer months.

    Children with special needs are no exception. They, too, canreap the benefits of a summer camp experience and learn importantdecision-making, social and emotional skills while having fun andmaking friends.

    There are many camps for children with special needs, andchoosing one depends on the unique needs of your child. Some campsare inclusionary, meaning that kids with and without special needsparticipate together. Some camps cater to children with specificproblems, such as hearing impairments or cystic fibrosis.

    In choosing a camp for your special needs child, there are manyfactors to con-sider:

    What is the cost? Are scholarships available? Whats the agerange of campers? Is the camp co-ed? Is it a day or resident camp?Can the camp staff administer medication?

    How does the camp staff handle behavioral problems? If yourchild needs a special diet, can accommodations be made?Anotherconcern you may have is the qualifications of the camp staff. Doesthe

    camp employ occupational, speech and music therapists? Or arecollege students, home for the summer and without any special needstraining, the camp counselors?

    For children with special needs, smaller group sizes often meangreater engage-ment, achievement and the individual attention theyoften need to succeed. Finding out the staff-to-camper ratio isimportant.

    Are the crafts and activities planned suitable to the age andabilities of your special needs child? Camp should expand yourchilds horizons and sense of community but not be so challenging asto intimidate.

    One more thing: Is learning going on? As noted, all childrenexperience a learning loss in summer. But, according to thePennsylvania-based Valley Forge Educational Services, the setbackcan be more drastic for children with special needs, who may alsolose social and behavioral gains made during the school year.Finding a camp that emphasizes learning in a more low-key way willmaximize your childs ability to succeed.

    Tracey Sparrow if the vice president of Childrens Programs atthe Milwaukee Center for Independence and oversees two summer campsfor children with special needs: Sensational Summer Day Camp, forchildren with autism or other sensory dis-orders, and KaleidoscopeSummer Fun, for children with special health care needs.


    For Children With

June 13 mhl - [PDF Document] (2024)


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