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- Publication:
- The Idaho Statesmani
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- 22
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PAGE TWENTY-TWO THE IDAHO DAILY STATESMAN BOISE IDAHO FRIDAY MORNING MARCH 2 1962 For Miscellaneous 37 For Sale Miscellaneous S7 DRY SLABWOOD back of Bradley ield end of East 49th Street Open inuraday and Friday 1 pi to 5 Saturday 8 a to 5 GAS SPACE HEATERS 20000 Btu automatic controls SPECIAL PRICE $4950 Murray Burne Co Used Oil Heaters Used Blowers $3500 and Up Used Coal Furnaces and Stokers Murray Burns Co For Sale Automobiles 50 1957 FORD 9-psseengor country sedan de luxe wagon Radio' heater power steering tinted glass Foi domatic Ex ceptionally clean One owner car Phone 344-2441 days 343-8638 evenlnga and weekends cash or clean Late model CARS BERTS AUTO SALES 3901 Chlnden 344-7659 ANTIQUE 1C 36 fourdoor Chrysler Statesman Box XX-496 Your Best Buys SAFE-BUY SPECIALS '60 FORD 2-door sedan radio heater standard transmission 6-cyl Sharp! For Automobiles 60 TRANSMISSIONS Rebuilt end need standard and eves drive 61550 exchange npi 342-6321 VERY SHARP green 1953 Olda Eupe? 68 $225 Phone 344-075L 1409 Euclid BY OWNER: 1956 Studebaker station wagon V-8 overdrive Real nice 3645 See at 8727 Falrvlew 1959 T-BIRD 8235a will trade for 5 1 Corvette or 2 place T-Blrd 344-8067 after 5 pm $1395 $1195 $1095 $645 $395 '59 FORD 2-door sedan radio heater automatic 6-cylinder Sharp! '53 FORD V-8 4-door Country se-f dan station wagon Radio heater automatic power steering white sidewalls tu-tone blue and white Sharp! 57 MERCURY 4-door station wagon radio heater automatic power steering Clean throughout 56 PLYMOUTH V-8 Belvedere 4- door sedan Radio heater automatic transmission Clean 41A Farm Sales- 'fe Cols Church and Grant FRIDAY MARCH 2 1962 Sale starts at 12:30 pm Ladies serving lunch free coffee Terms may be arranged on purchase of these cows and larger equipment Either through creamery consignment of milk check or otherwise See owner before sale Located mite east of Middleton Idaho on Highway 44 to Duff Lane then 2Yfa miles north LESLIE PENNINGTON Owner SATURDAY MARCH 3 1962 Sale Time 1 1 :00 AM -MAR81NG DISASTER BENEFIT SALE LASTING ALL DAY AT MARKING IDAHO Colonels hurch and Grant For Sale Dogs 42 FREE: Half' German Shepherd puppies to good home 6630 Ashland Circle BASSET HOUND puppies AKC shots Fain 4404A Larch St Mtn Home AFB Idaho 832-7651 BLACK LAB mate 5 months 315 342-7410 HAVE THE PERFECT PET extra small Boston Terrier pupa 6 weeks old perfect markings screw tails 344-8015 3317 Wagon Wheel Road A 34 2-57 lo Terrier puppies Registered Chihuahua Puppies 3518 8tate TOY POMERANIAN 5 months old 85a Ogle Ph 342-9441 after 6 pm GERMAN shorthaired pointers 7 months old AKC registered 343-8836 For Sale Pets 43 PARROTS PARAKEETS CANARIES Tropical FL-h Pet Supplies McCASLXN FUEL CO 27th and Falrvlew Phone 342-5663 0 CANARIES 0 PARAKEETS 0 TURTLES 0 HAMPSTER8 0 GOLD ft TROPICAL McGUFFIN' PET SHOP 16th A Fmwt Phone 343-4681 For Sale Boats ft Supplies 46 8KI BOAT 35-hp motor and trailer 343-7022 after 3 rr For Motorcycles 47 RETAIL SHOP Buy sell or trade motorcycles 1953 Harley $165 1947 Cushman 1951 Ducatcy 1956 All State cheap 5522 Falrvlew 342-4743 GO CART 2(4 horae plus accessories Terms available 939-6388 Eagle 1960 MAICO 250cc SCRAMBLER GOOD CONDITION 342-0198 1961 A 250 cc Starfire scram- bier 1960 8 A 500 Catalina scrambler both extra clean See at Al'a Cycle Sales 3209 Overland 343 6243 FAMOUS HONDA motorcycles and scoot-era Hcrco Engineering 4901 Chlnden Blvd from Bradley Field For Sal Ualheur 343-5505 Mobile Homes 48 CHIEF IT travel trailer 1959 HENSLEY 10x50 $750 down assume payments 403 8 Walnut Timmerman 1958 MOBILE HOME refrigera-tor air conditioning and carpeted Excellent condition 1 Treat Space No 5 Trailer Court Grand View Idaho 1957 40x8' MAYFLOWER 4105 State Riverside Traitor Park No No 3 1957 COMMODORE TRAILER 36x8 33000 Howard la Man weller 500 Washington I960 IlOMER pickup coach Finance If good security 343-1725 1959 BILTMORE Take over payments and equity Empire 5-2992 Emmett or see at 1113 North 29th space 7 Bobs 1959 ANGELUS wide" 3 bedrooms Terms Phone 375-0380 CUSTOM BUILT pickup covers made to order EARL'S USED CARS Highway 30 East Nampa Ph 466-4236 IMPORTANT NOTICE 0 ALL TRAILER SUPPLIES ALL TRAILER REPAIRS 0 ALL HARD TO GET TRAILER ITEMS AVAILABLE AT TRADER HORN TRAILER SUPPLIES Reserve Your Camp Trailer Now! We re Open Sundays from 10 till 2 2945 Chlnden Garden City BOISE'S FINEST HOMES BOTH NEW AND USED Alaskan ft Universal ft Sparlane One Small Old Trailer only' $200 Propane Gas Trailer Supplies DONEY TRAILER SALES 3777 Chlnden 342-8679 NASHUA ELCAR PACIFICA KENSKILL HOOPER TRAILER SALES 033 Chlnden Blvd 344-6171 For Automobiles 50 Auction Sales 53 FORD 4-door sedan radio heater automatic transmission New tires Tu-tone green GEM STATE MOTORS 4 2309 Fairview Dial 343-7008 "Your Lincoln Mercury Comet Dealer BUSINESS IS GREAT WE NEED MORE ROOM FOR OUR TRADE INS THESE SHARP OLDER GARS MUST GO Good Things to Eat 37A PINES aged beef for your freezer 310 down 6 months to pay Latah Super Ette 343-9043 Personals 39 ARE YOU A SLAVE! Creditors Hounding Worried About Your Job? If so and you sincerely want to get out of debt (WITHOUT BORROWING) get in touch with LARGEST PROFESSIONAL DEBT MANAGER Consolidate and make on payment that you can afford For Example If you owe you may pay as little a 500 $12 per week 31000 S18 per week $2000 $25 per week S3000 333 per week 34000 $37 per week Co-signers and security not needed CREDIT SAVERS INC 523 Eastman Bldg 342-6574 (Not a loan company) IF OUTSIDE OF BOISE WRITE FOR INFORMATION DURING THE RECENT severe winter weather In Boise Valley many thoughtful folks scattered food around their houses for the birds to eat We understand this was also done by The STAGECOACH INN But the birds so dumb They touch a crumb of It Evidently our feathered friends too stomach their food Signed Ed and Vince of The ROYAL RE8TAU-RANT across from the Owyhee Hotel HERE IN AMERICA the "coffee break is fast becoming a national institution This would soon end if all restaurants served the kind of coffee they give you at The ROYAL RESTAURANT The other day I had a cup of their coffee and believe me- thought It was aomo-hlng that was drained out of a 1927 Essex radiator Signed Willie of The STAGECOACH In Garden City ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS meets each Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Friday nights For call 343-5441 Quit WISHING Go FISHING AT The FI8HORAMA EVERY FRIDAY 6 to 10 Help yourself from the complete buffet assortment of select SEAFOODS and get this only 8295 email fry under 10 only $175 Sec you Fridays at the Silver City Room aLanon For wives husbands friends of problem drinkers Meets fa Boise each Tuesday night at Call 344-7005 MARRIAGE COUNSELING A free com-munlty service Call Boise Valley Counseling Service Plume 343-9070 HAVE you tried our new P8 5-mlnuf false teeth cleaner? At Drug ft Grocery Stores or Poirier Dental Lab: 901 Vista MATERNITY CARE tor unmarried mothers Including doctor hospital living arrangements Confidential Call or write Miss Ida Naustal salvation Army Home 1617 24th Boise Dial 343-3571 Special Notices 40 MAY WE HELP YOU? Wa are now booking our 18th spring and summer service Please advise us of your needs early in order that -we may serve you better Thank you ROY NORMA VAWTER Carpet rug and furniture cleaning la our 283 profession not a aid Una Dial 888- For Sale Livestock 41 For livestock 41 AB8 ARTIFICIAL BREEDING Highest in type and production 88-227 a 466-5622 459-4049 482-7585 889-5227 278-3281 ALMOST NEW SADDLE $115 343-6059 FEED BARLEY) reasonable 344-6712 jdaya 342-5996 evenlnga TOP PRICES for your cattle and horsey any kind any amount 844-3008 WANTED: Saddle horses all types Seal Brothers 466-0405 Nampa WANTED: Killer horses Seal Brothers 466-7714 Nampa REGISTERED Arabian mare 11 pmnths 342-6058 375-4042 17 REGISTERED or eligible young Jerseys Four unit De Laval magnetic with horse motor suid 2 buckets 939-6561 after 6 pm all day Saturday and Sunday DEAD ANIMAL SERVICE Prompt pickup anywhere In the Boise valley of dead and useless animals Call collect Nampa 466-4604 Idaho Animal Products Co Auction Sales 41A FARM MACHINERY SALE McKEAN FURNITURE IN EAGLE MARCH 9 1962 Consign your machinery early Cara trucks or anything of value 939-6730 939-6218 342-0912 FARM SALE AUCTIONEERS COL ANDERSON SPARKS For Sale Boats ft Supplies 46 a is is is is is -t is is is is is is is Annual Spring STARTiNG THE NEWEST AND THE See the new Arkansas Traveler and FREE MARINELAND 413 Orchard Auction Sales 41A NAMPA OK LIVESTOCK MARKET EARLY CONSIGNMENTS SATURDAY MARCH 3 30 head of Holstein steers weighing from 250 to 350 lba 20 head Holstein steers weighing 450 to 525 lbs 4 Holstein steers from 500 to 600 lbs 3 Holstein heifers vaccinated and tattooed 4 Holstein heifers vaccinated and tattooed 10 head of mixed steers and heifers Tbesa are all in addition to our regular run of livestock of an kinds We tart our sale at 12 noon Wa sell the fat hogs firet weaner pigs then the heep then the baby calves start right on with our little light farmer cattle For- any Information to trucking facilities phone our office here at NAMPA 466-7811 and ask for HUGO WARD or JACK WILLIAMS Box 403 Phone 466-7811 Buy or 8ell with Confidence LIVESTOCK MARKET Second Street Ext Nampa Idaho Hugo Ward 466-6112 Jack Williams 459-2823 Auctioneers "You Get More Pay When Ton Sell OK" AUCTION IN STAR POST SALES YARD yk Block South of Hoffman Service station Saturday March 3 12 F- Free Coffee 1 Lunch Served by Ladles of Liberty Grange PARTIAL LISTINGS Brown and white tweed daveno bedroom set complete with Mr and Mrs dresser and chest of drawers twin mattress and springs 2 dinette sets 4 chests of drawers large kidney coffee tsble other tables vanity 2 wicker lawn chairs chrome legs 2 metal lawn chairs folding chairs air conditioner lamps extra chairs rockers twin aixe study desk Revere cooking ware 24" band saw Jig saw bench vise other tools rubber tired milk cart work bench 500 gaL gaa or water barrel bard lee cream machine with freexing compartment Urge insulated box extra good stanchion cow trailer with 20" rubber 2 other trailers corral gates and big posts cow stanchions feed bunk number of doore and windows pile of reinforcing irons pile of other Irons Udders and a lot of misc Mora coming in Commission 15 per cent -Auctioneers: Col Jim Poet CoL Leroy Rieka Clerk: Del Ireland Cols Anderson Sparks TU 9-5501 SR 2-3475 naiie NEWS 12:15 K8RV 1400 MACHINERY SALE Located 7 miles northwest of Home-dale Idaho or 7 miles south of Adrian on Highway 201 then Vfc mile west Signs will be posted FRIDAY MARCH 2 1962 Sterling at 12 Noon Cash BALLINGER OWNER BOB KULM OWNER MACHINERY SALE Located 8 miles southwest of Ontario Oregon on the Vale highway to the Big Siphon then 1 mile south or 2Vfc mllea west of Cairo Junction on the Vale Highway to the Bipfacn then 1 mite south to the Gordon Toombs Farm signs will be posted This sale has been rescheduled because road to the farm was washed out Feb 14 SATURDAY MARCH 3 1962 Starting at 12 Noon Lunch on Grounds -Cash 1956 Oliver Superior "77 diesel tractor with a heavy duty three-point hitch and wide front end in good condition 1954 Maesey-Harrts self-propelled combine model 60 10-foot cut with pickup attachment ready to go to work Oliver-Atlas two-bottom two-way spinner plow 1956 Oliver seven-foot mower model 24 Oliver aide-delivery rake on rubber Oliver combination beet and potato cultivator three-point tool bar with five straight shanks and six curved shanks gauge wheete and markers Oliver seven-foot tandem disk three-section wooden harrow 10-foot finger weeder eight-foot David Bradley fertiliser spreader Oliver power-takeoff sprayer with three-point hitch 400 siphon tubes three-quarter and one-inch garden tractor and attachments other miscellaneous articles too numerous to mention Consigned by A MANSFIELD Ford "8N" tractor in good condition 1948 Farm all tractor John Deere two-way trail plow: John Deere eight-foot tandem disk John Deere eight-foot grain drill on rubber three-section steel harrow big stationary Bearcat bay chopper buck rake for Ford tractor American stacker rubber-tired wagon old old welder: John Deere seven-foot mower Universal two-unit milker Co-op milk cooler New Holland bay rake 2 yean old 1952 Studebaker pickup: Jurt overhauled Consigned by LOUIS -PRATT Bet of chains for "400" IHC tractor set of duals for IHC tractor John Deers spud ptenter on rubber International Harvester manure spreader on rubber John Deere lima spreader on rubber portable welder three-section barrow cement mixer half bagger on rubber 2 wheelbarrows on rubber grain auger baled hay loader for truck electric fencer pipe dies pipe fittings gas tank beet hoes 15 rolls netting wire like new pickup guards set of IHC tumble-bug plow shares ltt -horsepower gas engine cultivator tools hay nooks sheep shears beater rubbers: gas model washing machine engine: V-belts motor and garden pump plastic hoes 1 scythe two log chains brass foot valve brace -hammers: square saw beet knives small hand grinder breast drill pillow blocks Massey cylinder sprocket (29 tooth) heep bells chisels and punches aledge hammer fishing tool two steel checks mower sickles gas tank hose and nox-xle pickup racks for GHC or Chevrolet camper for GMC or Chevrolet: grease guns derrick pulleys spud tools cultivator toote swathe spring-tooth 2 rolls building paper toilet set and sink 15 lbs building-paper tacks trolley act for machine abed or barn door assorted windows 10 or more: oil filters IHC front end two-wheel narrow blow torch soldering iron rear-vision mirrors for track: spirit UvcU 2 new folding camp chairs hack saw Ironing board wrenches various sixes of sprocket chain electric motor GORDON TOMBS Owner For Sale Boats ft Supplies 46 a- Phone 375-2450 For Mobile Homes 48 48 WANTED TO BUY CLEAN USED TRAILERS HOOPER TRAILER SALES 4033 Chlnden Phone 344-6171 FLEETWOOD America's Lowest Priced Quality Mobile Home More for your money! Better construction Double insulated throughout Deluxe furnishings 14 floor plans -to choose from Best trade-ins in town (We'll Take Anything of Value) WHEEL ESTATE TRAILER SALES 'Home of the 3 Jolly Salesmen" jet Hiway 20 and 30 Ph 344-6507 1959 BUCKINGHAM wide 8250 equity Take over payments Can be eeen every day before noon Call before nocn or after 9 344-7344 WORLD FAMOUS KENSKILL TRAVEL TRAILERS Everybody Should Have One HOOPER TRAILER SALES We W1U Not Be Undersold 4033 Cblnden Blvd Phone 344-6171 Trailer Space For Bent 48A LARGE PRIVATE LOT Lawn trees shrubbery 602 Allumbaugh ADULT COURT near bus 342-5076 STORAGE SHED each Urge lot Large patios Ridge View Trailer Court mile north wit junction Maple Grove arid Ustlck Rds 375-2756 For Sale Trucks ft Tractors 49 3 1956 FORD tandem drive 10-yd dump trueka Choice 6250a 344-0055 1949 CHEVY Vi -ton $395 1948 fe-tm $295 9x12 cotton rug $35 1720 19lh I5I fe-TON 4 speed Cbev pickup $400 Take over payments 342-2543 HEAVY DUTY 1958 Ford 75a 175" WB CftCH Air brakes 5 speed 3-cpeed nus $2495 1959 International 195 CftCH full air tag axle 5 speed 3 speed aux RD 450 engine Excellent 4850 1957 White conventional tractor wsleeper 220 engine A peed main 3 speed axle Eaton new tlrca Perfect T950 TRAILERS 1948 Beal 24-ft lnauteted 4-wheel tank trailer 945 1945 Beal 24-ft Insulated 4-wheel tank trailer $95 1948 Freuhauf 30-fL single axle stock trailer T45 1961 General rebuilt 35-foot Low bed dual axle new rubber 8500 1950 Kentucky stock tralter 38-ft 1295 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER 4200 Falrvlew Eves 375-0453 342-5616 BY OWNER: 1961 Chevrolet tfc ton pickup radio: beater $1793 Call 642-4453 9 am to 5 pm USED TRUCK PARTS NOW WRECKING 1946-54 International 2-ton with 2 -speed 1948-55 Fords F-5 a 7 8 with 2-speed 1956-58 Dodge 50-700 with 2-spced 946-55 Chevrolet with 2 speed Used dump hoist MURRAY'S USED PARTS 1 Mile 30 Caldwell Phone 459-4591 Attention Farmers and Ranchers 1959 Chevrolet Cab over New Motor two speed New Nylon Tires Extra Nice Bob Johns Inc International Truck Dealers Hiway 30 East of Caldwell Dial 459-1558 For Automobiles 50 1961 PONTIAC Ventura coupe 4 -peed tri-power positraction 888-2970 after 6:30 1960 FALCON 4-door wagon: clean 61650 Phone 343-4343 1954 CHEV 6-cylinder AT rad la Very clean Good tire a 343-5820 1961 CORVAIR Monsa low mileage 344-1091 1960 VALIANT 200 4-door $1545 344-5877 ext 232 9-5 week days MUST SACRIFICE clean 1961 red and white ImpaU sedan $2195 375-3627 1955 CHEV 712 North Garden Ave 343-9001 FOR THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN SEE BERN IE RAINES AT MONTGOMERY'S Corner of 27th and Falrvlew Ph 343-1696 1958 OLDSMOBILE Starfire convertible Trade $600 equity for older car Prefer Chevrolet or Wlllya station wagon 342-573a Sana Scant with the reef aft Tap la removed In minutes to give yen a vehicle far any kind af activity any kind af weather Same Scant stripped far aetlnn For special duty doore windows lift off windshield folds down or detaches BOISE 5615 For Sale Mobile Homes Musical Instruments- S4A USED 2 MANUAL ORGANS uunmond Thomas MtwHfl and Wurlltser From 52S DUNKLEY MUSIC Phont 342-5549 DRIVE OUT WHERE BARGAINS ARE BETTER! 1 nice spinet pianos Small cottage upright used organs MARTIN MUSIC 8022 ralrview Phone 343-7556 Deagan vibra harp Italian made Gloria accordion Oahu Uawllan guitar and amplifier Capitol Plano A Organ 661T Ustlck Road 375-0681 For Sale Farm Products Sii iixr KA GOOD tribi barley seed Weighs lbs' per bushel $3 per hundred 343-1914 feALED HAY delivered Virgil Calhoun 692-5967 939-6339 Eagle AMD LEAFYMagle Valley hay delivered Call KB 6-2511 Wendell Quality Magic Valley Hap Delivered Rolled Grains and Dairy Feeds' Cloverdale Feed 375-2112 88-2759 11- ton or load Phone ALFALFA grass straw pulp grain Quality guaranteed 343-3701 evenings BALED horse hay baled straw dry in barn 888-2493 Excellent Magic Valley hay any amount Roy Harris 8S8-O027 Meridi an CUSTOM HAY CHOPPING Newest equipment Ph Nampa 466-7469 BAY B1 BALE ton or load 3 miles east of Boise on Highway 21 Phone 342-2281 days or 342-7935 evenlnga For Sale Machinery 36 OR RENT D-7 cat M-3T very good condition Call Emmett 365-2963 ioo INTERNATIONAL tractor Mower rake plow loader manure spreader disc Phone Sat Sun or evenings 375-2126 FRUIT SPRAYING EQUIPMENT Hardy spray machine with 4-cyllnder Bes-blo sprayer attached Also 1 2-cylinder Bes-blo speed sprayer attachment Call Charles Falen: Caldwell 459-7807 evenlnge Marelng 896-4239 daye FORD NEW OWATONNA SALES AND SERVICE LINDSEY TRACTOR CO Highway 30 West Nampa Idaho Building1 Material PRE-CUT CEDAR FENCING PATTY-O PANELS Your Choice 99e PER LINEAL FOOT JESS HATCHER BUILDING SUPPLY 1310 Vista Phone 342-6057 S6A BUILDERS Build a complete house for leu with a manufactured home from Boise Cascade Corp Call Robert Harrison 888-' 4484 or 343-8153 YOU CAN DO IT SAVE MONEY ON LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES THRIFTWAY LUMBER 8242 Chlnden Garden City SPECIAL Rough 1x12 lunbif 880 llS TOQgh eeceaee e6698689668 eI50 1x8 8-4-8 9 9 99 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 855 PRODUCERS LUMBER Phone 344-2573 For Sale Miscellaneous 37 MAIN AUCTION 2912 MAIN SATURDAY MARCH 3 2 UNUSUALLY BIG AUCTIONS 1ST SALE STARTS 10 AM WE WIJ-L SELL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT UNTIL FINISHED NEARLY A LIFETIME COLLECTION POWER TOOLS SEVERAL ELECTRIC AND AIR POWER DRILLS HEAVY DUTY BENCH DRILL PRESS WITH LARGE MOTOR SEVERAL VARIOUS SPEED ATTACHMENTS ALSO 8EPARATE SPINDLE SHAPER ON THE SAME TOOL STAND SAW AND JOINER MOUNTED ON RUBBER TIRES WITH 2 LARGE ELECTRIC MOTORS BELTED TOGETHER FOR FASTER POWER LARGE 3 HORSEPOWER AIR COMPRESSOR COMPLETE 1VXTH TANK AND PAINT PRESSURE CONTROL ATTACHMENTS WITH' MOISTURE TRAP AND LOTS OF HOSE BAND SAW WITH MOTOR ATTACHED ON A STAND WITH SEVERAL EXTRA BLADES WOOD LATHE ON A LARGE WORK BENCH WITH SEVERAL ELECTRICAL ATTACHMENTS ALSO A SWINGING PEDAL CONTROL CUT OFF SAW IN THE WORK BENCH 1 TABLE MOUNTED BENCH GRINDER WITH LONG DOUBLE AR-BER SHAFT 2 HEAVY DUTY DOUBLE ARBER GRINDERS 1 HAS RUBBER WHEELS FOR ROCK POLISHING AND 1 HAS WIRE WHEELS SEVERAL MOTORS WITH FLEXIBLE SHAFTS WITH VARIOUS TYPES ARBORS SMALL PRECISION MILLING GRINDER SPINDLE SHAPER ON STAND WITH MOTOR SEVERAL SMALL DOUBLE ARBOR BENCH GRINDERS 40 to 225 AMP A ARC WELDER SEVERAL CARBON ARC ATTACHMENTS DOZEN HEAVY DUTY BENCH VISES 130 LB SWEDISH STEEL ANVIL 4 BLOCK MACHINE VISES ELECTRICAL PAINT SHAKER FORGE WITH BOTH ELECTRIC AND GASOLINE MOTORS SHOE-MAKING OUTFIT 2 LINE SHAFTS WITH VARIOUS BUFFERS SEVERAL HAND OPERATED LEATHER SHAPERS SOCKETS SEVERAL SOCKET SET INCLUDES 4" Vk" and 44" DRIVE ALL HAVE SEVERAL EXTRA SOCKETS AND HANDLE 8 TORQUE WRENCHES PIPE TOOLS SEVERAL BOLT THREADERS SEVERAL DOZEN ELECTRIC MOTORS WITH VARIOUS ATTACHMENTS DRILL BITS SEVERAL RIDGE REAMERS SEVERAL PRECISION HOLE REAMERS SEVERAL SETS OF WOOD DRILL BITS VARIOUS GAUGES AND CALL BKR9 NEARLY 100 HAMMERS AND HATCHETS SEVERAL BIG BOXES OF CHISELS FILES AND SPECIAL MADS GADGETS 3 BELT OR DRUM SANDERS 1 FLOOR EDGES SEVERAL SMALL GAS BOTTLES 1 PRESTO LITE TANK WITH CONTROL HOSE AND BURNER SEVERAL OTHER GAS BOTTLES PICTURE FRAME MITER BOX SAW SEVERAL TIN PUNCHER 2 LARGE TIN SHEARS SEVERAL SMALL SHEARS SEVERAL DOZEN WHEEL PULLERS OVER A DOZEN HYDRAULIC JACKS MANY SCREW JACKS HUNDREDS OF BOXES AND BASKETS OF BOLTS 8CREW8 WASH-ERR AND HARDWARE LITERALLY THOUSAND OF ITEMS YOU HAVE TO SEE IT TO BELIEVE IT 2nd AUCTION STARTS 12 NOON WE WILL HAVE OUR REGULAR FURNITURE AND MERCHANDISE AUCTION APPLIANCES O'KEEFE AND MERIT GAS RANGE SEVERAL ELECTRIC RANGES CROB-LEY BHELVADOR APARTMENT SIZE REFRIGERATOR NORGE REFRIGERATOR FRIGIDAIRB REFRIGERATOR WITH CROSS TOP FREEZER SEVERAL WASHERS CUSTOM MADS CONSOLE TV SET DAVENOS VERY GOOD FOAM DAVENPORT AND CHAIR SET HAS VERY CLEAN UPHOLSTERY 8WIVEL BASE ROCKER MATCHING CHAIR AND MATCHING DIVAN CLEAN HIDE-ABED BEDS 3 NEARLY NEW TRAILERHOU8E TYPE BEDS 1 13 FULL SIZE AND 2 ARE 48" 6 YEAR CRIB SET OF BUNK BEDS LOW MAHOGANY DRESSER HARDWOOD ANTIQUE BEDSTEAD SEVERAL OTHER CHESTS AND DRESSERS GOOD MISC LOTS OF GOOD DISHES LINENS SEVERAL PORTABLE RADIOS LEATHER LUGGAGE ANTIQUE MANTEL CLOCK SEVERAL- OTHER CLOCKS ANTIQUE PHONOGRAPH AND OLD RECORDS SEVERAL LAWN MOWERS WE WILL HAVE ADDITIONAL LISTING I TOMORROW'S PAPER WHAT EVER YOU HAVE TO SELL CALL THE "AAA IN 344-8314 GE DRYER in excellent condition 350 Dial 343-6095 1 SPORTSMEN! 1 1 1961 hunting and fishing etylea and factory rejects selling at reduced prices Legettes Inc 5315 Emerald St Like New white naugahyde couch 205 Atlantic 344-8130 it OUR GUEST THIS EVENING Gary White 2908 Pond STAGECOACH INN 3132 Chlnden Highway 20 FISHING ROD BLANKS Make your spin fly steelhcad Complete stock of components INLAND SPORTS CENTER 619 Main SALE USED SEWING MACHINES 1 only Nccchl Supernova blond desk with drawers $13450 1 only Pfsff xig-xxg portable 12950 1 only Necchl xig-sag console 9950 1 only repossessed Singer Slant- O-Matle portable Liberal terms Call for free Home triaL SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO 824 Main Phone 342-5218 JACKET CLOSE OUT 25 OFF TRADER HORN ARMY-NAVY SURPLUS 2945 Chlnden Garden City WHOLESALE MEATS Pur pork xaiuage or ground beef 3 lbs $100 ROAST PORK 29c PER LB All steaks 65c a lb 50-LR BAG IDAHO RUS8ETS 75c COTTAGE SERVICE Out State Street on Highway 44 Flavor Crisp Chicken Fryer Console end Table Model on Diapley EVANS REFRIGERATION 1714 8 Roosevelt 343-6502 GRUB BOX 2 cu ft steel box 400 Legal atsel storage 300 Cardboard storage file 100 Steel covered trunk 2375 New foot lockers 975 Old trunks 5-00 344-7911 2900 Main LA-fcGE BAND SAW bench saw Jointer aander and misc power tools Buy Rite Furniture 3901 Chlnden Phone 344-7659 GOOD USED TELEVISIONS FROM $3950 UP TERRY'S APPLIANCE 821 State Phone 344-2566 APPRAISE BUY FOR CASH OR SELL Anything of Value Pick-up Service Furnished AUCTION EVERY THUR8DAY 321 Roosevelt 343-1251 BENCH COMMISSION AUCTION GOOD UNFINISHED student desk With formica top good coffee table both priced to eelL 375-1151 12 GAUGE double barrel Stevens $4750 12 gauge Stevens pump $45 343-6059 HELL TONE stereo tape recorder Call 343-5548 after 5:30 evenings EVERY DAY BUYS 9x12 floor cover 595 Corner cupboard 2995 Foot locker 975 Taylor tot stroller 1350 Garden rake 139 Sleeping bag 200 Large overalls 100 Paul's 344-7991 2900 Main BEWARE THE IDES OF MARCH But If you wish to be safe try these TIRE BARGAINS! 670-15 black 3725 710-15 mud and enow 3695 1 "LOOK TO VALBOY8 FOR VALUES" VALBOYSTIRE SERVICE 23rd end Main Phone 344-9411 NEW TWIN orthopedic mattress $5990 Talus Now 32990 8LEEP-AIRE 14th and Main 344-6543 RECONDITIONED Guaranteed 30 daya 10" to 21 table console and portable $25 up Call anytime 344-3103 SPACE HEATERS FOR RENT Oil or LF gas space heaters for rent or for sale at Safway Scaffold ft Power Tool Co 2923 Idaho BL Ph 342-9343 MODERN FINE BED SET Full 6-plecs set Includes mirror double cheat highboy cheat new box springe and lnnerspring mattress $12450 344-7991 2900 MAIN WILL BUY CONSIGN OR AUCTION FOR YOU AT THE BIG SUNDAY AUCTION GARDEN CITY AUCTION 38th and Chlnden Phone 342-0912 BLACK MOUNTAIN TOP SOIL LOVEJOY 343-0313 CARL MILLER FURNITURE OUR USED DEPARTMENT OFFERS A Whirlpool combination refrigerator and freexar portable washer- portable and console TV sets Refrigerators ranges freexer combination coal wood and electric range baby cribs round oak dining tabic Duncan Phyfa table chrome eta buffets davenos davenports rockers club chairs springs mattresses beds NEW UNFINISHED Chests wardrobes gun cabinets china cabinets desk bookcases tables chairs stools benches vanities and many other Items OPEN DAILY 8 A TO 9 EXCEPT SUNDAY 81 00 FAIRVIEW AVENUE 1 Dial 375-1800 VALNUT BED coll springs health mat-tress Also wardrobe trunk 343-5174 after 10:00 am WATER HEATERS 52 gallon glassllned double element with 2 adjustable thermostats 4500 Watts 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 35250 Shower stalls with fittings $3450 double sink with fauest and 2 baskets Built-In oven and 4 burner stove top and hood all for $15900 12-2 Bldg win 250 ft roll 795 Johns-Manvllle transits pipe with coupling per ft 59 4" Cast Iron mil pipe per ft 3 85 2" Plastic pipe 100 ft roll 32650 1" Plastic pipe 100 ft roll 8 785 Plastic pipe 100 ft 295 Whirls way garbage disposer V6 bpw GE motor $2950 PAY Cr PAC 710 Orchard Phone 344-5714 LIKE NEW LADIES' DRESSES Size 12-14 Phone 343-5174 after 10:00 am CHUNK WOOD 343-1386 4855 Fenton tINE OR FIR mountain fireplace wood split any length $5 ft $10 delivered Phone 888-2570 or 888-2948 after 5 pm ARMY barracks or smaller units: See at Upper Deer Flat Labor Camp 12th Ave Road south of Nampa 466-1726 466-2052 466-4919 YOU CAN FEEL BETTER REST BETTER AND DO BETTER After a good nights rest on One of ECONOMY MATTRESSES Renovated ft Rebuilt Msttnaaes 1 DAY SERVICE TOO! ECONOMY MATTRESS Dial 343-9561 BATHINETT with new tubs bikes iroo-eri coats suits oil heaters Live Inc Ill 10th ZENITH COLOR Trades Used seta Rentals with option to buy Bodily TV 1603 North 13th 342-9161 FAIRVIEW FURNITURE 1711 Falrvlew Dial 343-0666 APPLIANCES Stoves $1000 and up -Refrigerators $1950 and up 1960 Kelvinator nfrigerator $12900 30" Admiral range $8500 Ward -O-Matlc automatic washer 84900 Many to choose from all guaranteed NEW AND USED FURNITURE New nylon daveno and chair 813900 Davenos $1000 and up New baby beda complete $2500 Used baby bed complete $1750 Bunk beds complete with new mat tresses $6500 Used wrought Iron bunk set complete 34900 Dinig sets $2950 Cheats of drawers all prices Bedroom sets mattresses and springs beds Heating and gas stoves Jus everything for the home WE BUY SELL OR TRADE You will be surprised at the quality and the price CARPET SAMPLES 27x54 inches 8495 27x38 inches $295 27x18 Inches 99 BUY ONE REG PRICE GET 8ECOND ONE PRICE BEVINGTON'S CARPET and LINOLEUM CENTER (Open 9 pt Friday) 7015 Falrvlew Ph 375-1600 CUSTOM MADE Draperies for your home at wholesale prices Custom Motel Supply Co 1709 Broadway Phone -344-3564 SEWING MACHINES repossessed Take over small balance 344-8686 days 375-0628 evenings tlsed GA8 FURNACES Floor Demonstrators Complete let Class 80000 btu reg 8195 eel 0 $13250 10000 btu reg 32 7 sell 0 $149 50 MURRAY BURNS COMPANY PLUMB 1NG AND HEATING Call 344-5565 '56 Cadillac 62 4-dr Real clean $1295 '56 Oldsmobile Super 88 convertible '56 Plymouth Belvedere convertible '56 Plymouth 4-dr Sedan standard shift '56 Ford Fairlane 4-dr Sedan Clean 55 Ford Custom Line 2-dr standard shift '55 Willys hard top coupe overdrive 55 Nash Statesman 4-dr 55 Pontiac 4-dr station wagon Real cl 54 Oldsmobile 88 2-dr '54 Chrysler New Yorker 4-dr OTHERS: '53 Chevrolet wagon 52 Cadillac hard top coupe '51 Chevrolet wagon '51 Chevrolet 4-dr '50 Cadillac 4-dr '49 Chevrolet '2-dr' Later Models to Choose From 13 1960 Modefs 10 Pickups COME IN ASK FOR YOURFAVORITE SALESMAN Gary Greenman George Johnson Bemie Raines At Comer of 27th and Falrvlew Lot a Paul Fortenberry at 1505 Main St Lot MONTGOMERY AUTO SALES Horn of Boise's Finest Used Cars America's Newest All Purpose Compact '62 International LOADS OF FUN FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART IN THESE MILLER-STEPHAN SPECIALS Boat Show 7 TODAY! OTHE LATEST BEST! Johnson Motors Hydro-Swift Boats PRIZES BANK TERMS MINIMUM DOWNS 1961 PONTIAC Tempest Wagon automatic transmission power steering matic transmission power steering 1960 For Mobile Homes 48 Till Is tfea Sceet a aeat and aintbla pickup Small In aiza Light In weight Fan to drive far husL Same Scant cnnvnrtad tn fawn Salivary by an optlaaal steal Travel-Tap complete with windows and lift gate 1960 a radio and heater nylon tires 10000 IL A miles We sold this one new dj Per Mo $5307 $4570 $3857 $3934 $3934 i $4500 Per Mo Series 1600 Roadster Has radio and heater wire wheels 4-speed transmission A red one for summer fun Per Mo CORVAIR --sport coupe 3-speed transmission with supercharger ra dio and heater new tires A solid white one Per Mo VOLKSWAGEN Microbus deluxe 9 passenger wagon Room for the whole family in this one Transmission just overhauled good tires clean Per Mo FORD Fairlane "500" convertible coupe automatic transmission radio and heater Solid white with red interior black top nylon tires Per Mol FORD Country Sedan wagon 6-passenger with automatic transmission power steering and brakes radio and heater One local owner Sharp Per Mo KARMANN GHIA coupe a 4-passenger job with radio and heater This is the cleanest Karmann Ghia in the valley Per Mo IDAHO'S LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE TRAILER SUPPLY For ell your needs In Trailer Supplies whether you're building repairing or planning Shop at Good' Old Trader Horn Trailer Supplies- 2945 CHINDEN GARDEN CITY 1957 1957 1957 Costs Little to Buy LESSTORUN! New IH 4 Cylinder Engine Fold Down Windshield Removable Top and Doors THE IDEAL FAMILY COMPACT Built and Backed by International! See and Test Drive It Today International Harvester 1956 IT'S SO DOG-GONE COLD WE'RE OFFERING YOU THE HOTTEST BUYS OF THE YEAR! SINGLE EXPANDO 55 Ft 3 bedroom Front kitchen double insulation 2 Vapor barriers Heat duct in expando room deluxe appliance furniture Carpeted Large hot water heater 0 THE BEST DOLLAR VALUE THE BEST DOLLAR BUY IN AMERICA TODAY $5995 MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE! HOOPER TRAILER SALES 4033 Chinden Phone 344-6171 Don Crass 342-4613 Dale Moore 343-8352 Jack McKenney 342-1660 MILLER-STEPHAN PONTIAC CADILLAC 13th and MAIN 343-5321 "Where Auto Row Begins and Bids" 4000 Fairview Dial 342.
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