The Magnificent Mega Giveaway of the Marvellous Silentz's Generosity - CLOSED (2024)


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The Magnificent Mega Giveaway of the Marvellous Silentz's Generosity - CLOSED (1)The Magnificent Mega Giveaway of the Marvellous Silentz's Generosity - CLOSED

Contest is Closed. Click here to see the full list of entries. I will update this post with the name of the winner/s to the right of the items as things are decided and sent out.

Sadly another KoL player has found more to do in the real world, than allows for time in the Land of Loathing. However, Silentz did log on to give away everything possible, to ensure things didn't go to waste. A few things were given directly in chat, but it turns out that there were quite a lot of things... The Magnificent Mega Giveaway of the Marvellous Silentz's Generosity - CLOSED (2)

And so, on Silentz's behalf, I now have rather a lot to give away, from big ticket, all the way down to a single cherry The Magnificent Mega Giveaway of the Marvellous Silentz's Generosity - CLOSED (3)

The idea here is for items to go to people who will actually use and enjoy them, not just sell them in the mall!

This competition is open to all players (well, except me of course The Magnificent Mega Giveaway of the Marvellous Silentz's Generosity - CLOSED (4)) of all abilities.

No multies! Feel free to name one of your multies to receive a prize/s, rather than your main, but please only enter using one forum account per real life person. (I'm assuming there are still real life people out there??)

Post all entries in this thread.

Start each entry with the name of the prize item and your in-game character name/id that you want the prize to go to please. If you're going for a skill, please only chose a skill that you want to eventually perm, that you don't currently have any source of. Remember that the sandpaperable skills, you don't need to perm, but can re-read each ascension to reacquire the skill, if you're currently short on karma.

Multiple entries allowed (well, there is a lot to give away here), but please try to restrict yourselves a little The Magnificent Mega Giveaway of the Marvellous Silentz's Generosity - CLOSED (5)

I am unlikely to give more than one big ticket item/player, so you may want to state your preferences if you're going to enter multiple times. This may not affect anything, but just on the off-chance I land up with a split decision, I'd rather you got something you wanted the most The Magnificent Mega Giveaway of the Marvellous Silentz's Generosity - CLOSED (6)

Keeping entries short and sweet is less likely to make my eyes glaze over as I read them The Magnificent Mega Giveaway of the Marvellous Silentz's Generosity - CLOSED (7)

Please do not go back and change entries, I probably won't be re-reading from the start again each time, so if you want to radically change something, a new entry would be nicer, and just state that it replaces your previous one.

Keep everything clean and respectful please, or expect to be disqualified from everything.

Mostly, we're here to revel in the joy of this game that so many of us love, and to try and get nice items out to players to help them enjoy the game even more!

Entries close at the end of the next scheduled Halloween. So on the evening of Wednesday 29th January, 8:30pm, AZ server time. I will endeavour to get everything distributed by mid February.

Let the games begin....

The big ticket items first:

Jekyllin hide belt Aleril (#1899710)
Make a new KoL skill of Silence and Noise. Don't just go for overpowered, fun or imaginative is more likely to win.

pilgrim shield Lysdexia (#1670361)
Pilgrims don't need a lot of personal possessions do they? Nominate another player for this shield, and tell everyone why this player should get this shield. Please start all entries with both your in-game nominated char-name/id, and the char-name/id of the recipient. Please do not nominate multies of yourself, or of players who have already entered anything here with another character.

flaming pink shirt (hot foldable) tyrone_jones #624932
Tell us your best New Year's resolution, and why you're going to have already burnt that resolution to the ground before January is out!

V for Vivala mask
A Haiku to those tyrannical masters of Silence, Mimes! I'm going to allow up to three here, either separate Haikus, or that work together.

Juju Mojo Mask DVB (#1938606)
Depict Gaze of the Silentz God and Wrath of the Silentz God, however you see fit,

Post comp note: I did say from the start that I was unlikely to give more than one big item / player, this is three items, an outfit is not an item! The Magnificent Mega Giveaway of the Marvellous Silentz's Generosity - CLOSED (8) Plus, I decided the first two a few days ago, but I'm still stuck on the third choice, so I decided for now I'll send out the first two anyhow, I haven't forgotten the third though! The Magnificent Mega Giveaway of the Marvellous Silentz's Generosity - CLOSED (9)
time helm Silent Trystero (#2285945)
time trousers KennyMan666 (#613940)
time sword Astrelon (#2385437)
Tell us all your best bed-time story! Keep it short! Keep it sweet! We don't want to fall asleep from boredom and we don't want nightmares! The Magnificent Mega Giveaway of the Marvellous Silentz's Generosity - CLOSED (10)

tiny plastic sword DeadNed (#1909053)
Using current in-game items, maximum of three ingredients, tell us the non-alcoholic drink that you'd make up using this especially tasteful garnish.

Elvish sunglasses (two pairs to give away) YoMama1 (#1610439); Mr_Crac (#689692)
A poem to the cool of Silentz The Magnificent Mega Giveaway of the Marvellous Silentz's Generosity - CLOSED (11)

Mayflower bouquet Nouse (#217462)
Ah! Pretty flowers, my favourite! Make a new Florist Friar addition.

Crown of Thrones Volc (#2074201)
Make a Silent familiar to sit in your Crown. Tell us all about it both as a familiar and how it would act in the Crown.

Camp Scout backpack Kahdrick (#1635853)
Best campfire recipes! (RL or KoL)

haiku katana Ezandora (#1557284)
Tell us the tale of your most daring/difficult/funny/sad/whatever you think makes a good tale, KoL critter that you have ever Silenced.

Greatest American Pants Vampirate (#871707)
Make some KoL Silent gear. One item, an outfit, whatever you fancy. Give background to it if you want, tell us all what enchantments it would have.

Pete & Jackie's Dragon Tooth Emporium Catalog Scarf (#2375825)

chatbot (private): Rolling 1D13 gives 4.
Well, I did say all players and all abilities! If you haven't found anything else to enter at all, tell me that you'd like to go into a draw for this. This is only open to players who have not entered anything else here.

jewel-eyed wizard hat cptjsparrow (#1380920)
Depict (the more blocks used, the better your chances!) Silence using a magnetic sculpture kit. Make sure you get verification from me in this thread that I have seen it on your nominated profile, before you remove/change it. You might want to give an explanation/description as well! The Magnificent Mega Giveaway of the Marvellous Silentz's Generosity - CLOSED (12)

little box of fireworks kakakeke (#1720100) - cowled brothers with intricate gold lace?! The Magnificent Mega Giveaway of the Marvellous Silentz's Generosity - CLOSED (13)
Tell us a tale of Dependence day, when the Silentz firework was ignited, and how it affected the land.

Mint Salton Pepper's Peppermint Seed Catalog Frowny Pants (#2425882)
Mmmmm, pepperminty.... what to do here, what to do here... give us all your best peppermint limerick!

Spooky Putty sheet (spooky foldable) Thal On The Rocks (#1623648 )
Tell us your best KoL Halloween outfit. I don't mean an official outfit, but what you'd wear to the KoL Halloween party of the year, if you actually lived in the Land of Loathing.

tiny costume wardrobe (two of these to give away) AiluroDragon (#48760); Cheesecookie (#2355952)
Tell us your secret tale! The one you never wanted anyone to know! Real or imagined, KoL or not.

ice skates (ice foldable) Randomerer (#2407703)
Make a new KoL class of Silence.

28,267,453 Meat. Padoogie (#2295298 ), 10mill sent; Baden (#2460823), 6.5mill sent; Waldoze (#2367098 ), 3,767,453 sent; Lord_Wyrme (#2349385), 5mill sent; Astartus (#2026927), 3mill sent
I will probably divvy this up into 4-6 chunks maybe? Tell us all your tales of trying to save up for that Item that you've always wanted, but is still just slightly out of reach, and how much you'd like (to the nearest 500k) so that you can finally make your purchase!

It's like it's Crimbo all over again!
1 CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 1) Vakieh (#2439290)
1 CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 2) minhlong (#2456683)
1 CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 3) minhlong (#2456683)
1 CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 4) Nox Ultionem (#2416306)
1 CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 5) Nox Ultionem (#2416306)
1 A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 1 robmooseman (#579507)
1 A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 2 Astartus (#2026927)
1 A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 3 Xande1 (#2365137)
1 A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 4 mr patterson (#177025)
1 A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 5 Witchita (#2158938 )
1 A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 6 Wingedevil (#2338613)
(Remember to sandpaper the above 11 books for recipies, before you read them!)
8 BGE merchandise order form
1 tropical paperweight mr patterson (#177025)
1 Tropical Crimbo Hat mr patterson (#177025)
1 Tropical Crimbo Shorts mr patterson (#177025)
1 Tropical Crimbo Sword mr patterson (#177025)
1 Uncle Crimbo's Rations Astartus (#2026927)
Make a KoL Silent Night Crimbo. Use your imagination for what you submit, a whole event, the story behind it, a photo of a scene you've made for it, whatever you fancy! Mark your entry as "Crimbo" and tell me what you'd like from the above (feel free to make a few choices and tell me preferences). If you're going for a skill, please only chose a skill that you want to eventually perm, that you don't currently have. Remember that the sandpaperable skills, you don't need to perm, but can re-read each ascension to reacquire the skill, if you're currently short on karma.

And then there is the rest.....

There are still some very nice items in all of the lists below. You'll have to sift through yourselves to find what appeals to each of you. So here, I'm just going to do a few generic contests, name what you'd like to enter for, you can choose a handful of things, as you may have a winning entry, but may not get your first choice, though there are also a lot of multiple items here. Twinkly wads I may just give away as participation prizes to non-winners, I'll see how things pan out.

Photo contest! Depict the relative Silence of January after the hustle and bustle of December. Or not! If January isn't the lull after the storm for you, show us what January means to you. An explanation with each photo please The Magnificent Mega Giveaway of the Marvellous Silentz's Generosity - CLOSED (14)

Spoil a newbie! Tell us what you think would be the best first 11 items to receive as a new player, or a tale of when you were a new player and another KoL player did something for you that made your day.

Make your case! Tell us how winning your item of choice from the below, would enhance your enjoyment of this game that we love. (Factoid chasing is also a valid reason) The Magnificent Mega Giveaway of the Marvellous Silentz's Generosity - CLOSED (15)

Get crafty! Make something from KoL, post your photo of it, and let us all see how creative you are!

Various gear:
2 C.A.R.N.I.V.O.R.E. button
1 ball-in-a-cup
1 handmade hobby horse
2 natty blue ascot Baden (#2460823)
1 psycho sweater Chamou (#2390919)
1 Super Crimboman Ultra Mega Hypersword mr patterson (#177025)
4 Slow Talkin' Elliot's dogtags
1 set of jacks
1 Zim Merman's guitar
3 tube sock

2,564 BRICKO brick Akrim (#1724879), 500 sent; Baden (#2460823), 500 sent; JJuggler (#2115252), 1,564 sent
1 BRICKO elephant JJuggler (#2115252)
1 BRICKO python JJuggler (#2115252)
1 BRICKO ooze JJuggler (#2115252)
1 BRICKO bat JJuggler (#2115252)
1 BRICKO oyster JJuggler (#2115252)
1 BRICKO turtle JJuggler (#2115252)
1 BRICKO octopus JJuggler (#2115252)
1 BRICKO pyramid JJuggler (#2115252)
250 BRICKO eye brick Akrim (#1724879), 50 sent; Baden (#2460823), 50 sent; JJuggler (#2115252), 150 sent

A tattoo, maybe?:
4 delicious salad mstieler (#1800132)
(please only choose this if you do not have the tattoo yet)

4 floaty sand
3 floaty pebbles
1 floaty rock helmet Xantaxar (#2398667)
1 floaty rock pants Xantaxar (#2398667)
1 floaty rock necklace Xantaxar (#2398667)
1 floaty inverse geode

The pauper's chance to try out a tome:
164 scratch 'n' sniff unicorn sticker Akrim (#1724879), 104 sent; Aramada (#274245), 30 sent; Atrak (#1873126), 30 sent; Apollo883 (#1673604), 30 sent.
465 scratch 'n' sniff apple sticker Atrak (#1873126), 230 sent; Apollo883 (#1673604), 235 sent.
409 scratch 'n' sniff UPC sticker Atrak (#1873126), 209 sent; Apollo883 (#1673604), 200 sent.
393 scratch 'n' sniff dragon sticker Atrak (#1873126), 195 sent; Apollo883 (#1673604), 198 sent.
483 scratch 'n' sniff rock band sticker Atrak (#1873126), 243 sent; Apollo883 (#1673604), 240 sent.
398 scratch 'n' sniff wrestler sticker Atrak (#1873126), 199 sent; Apollo883 (#1673604), 199 sent.

Everyone can do with an extra friend:
4 evil teddy bear Lime_Burner (#2411230), 1 sent.
5 teddy bear Apollo883 (#1673604), 1 sent.
1 Bulky Buddy Box Apollo883 (#1673604)
5 live lobster Apollo883 (#1673604), 1 sent.
2 ghost pickle on a stick
4 pet rock
1 each: Randomerer (#2407703); Soldan (#1575297); Xande1 (#2365137); Apollo883 (#1673604)
1 pet rock "Snooty" disguise
1 pet rock "Groucho" disguise
1 ChibiBuddy™ (off)
Atrak (#1873126)

Time please!
1 depleted Grimacite gravy boat mr patterson (#177025)
1 glow-in-the-dark wristwatch Randomerer (#2407703)
1 imitation nice watch

The best of drinks, the worst of drinks:
100 Schrödinger's thermos Snave (#170200), 50 sent; Croft (#550986), 50 sent
23 a little sump'm sump'm Hammaglystwth (#353917)
2 slap and tickle Hammaglystwth (#353917)
9 slip 'n' slide Hammaglystwth (#353917)
1 thermos full of Knob coffee eddo (#880181)
1 purple corpsel NotJim (#771603)
1 fuzzbump Hammaglystwth (#353917)
1 ducha de oro Hammaglystwth (#353917)
1 gimlet Hammaglystwth (#353917)
2 prussian cathouse Hammaglystwth (#353917)
1 bottle of Domesticated Turkey Aramada (#274245)
37 elven cellocello Hammaglystwth (#353917)
67 bottle of Lieutenant Freeman Sharonlee (#2449377)
1 bungle in the jungle Hammaglystwth (#353917)
1 calle de miel Hammaglystwth (#353917)
10 bottle of Pete's Sake Aramada (#274245)
5 berry-infused sake Apollo883 (#1673604)
10 corpse on the beach Riley37 (#2203072), 5 sent; PerilousApricot (#1971924), 5 sent
7 corpsetini Riley37 (#2203072), 3 sent; PerilousApricot (#1971924), 4 sent
10 corpsedriver Riley37 (#2203072), 5 sent; PerilousApricot (#1971924), 5 sent
9 Corpse Island iced tea Riley37 (#2203072), 4 sent; PerilousApricot (#1971924) 5 sent
8 citrus-infused sake Apollo883 (#1673604)
6 horizontal tango Hammaglystwth (#353917)
1 kamicorpse-ee NotJim (#771603)
1 jar of fermented pickle juice eddo (#880181)
4 jar of squeeze eddo (#880181)
2 Mae West eddo (#880181)
4 melon-infused sake Apollo883 (#1673604)
2 pebblebräu NotJim (#771603)
4 canteen of wine
24 yellow brick road PerilousApricot (#1971924)
10 vodka stratocaster Sharonlee (#2449377)
2 Mon Tiki
14 perpendicular hula
2 pink pony
3 roll in the hay
1 teqiwila slammer Sharonlee (#2449377)
2 Hodgman's blanket NotJim (#771603)
1 Cinco Mayo Lager NotJim (#771603)

Food, food, glorious food:
23 pumpkin Lime_Burner (#2411230)
38 raspberry Sharonlee (#2449377)
3 marshmallow
12 Knob Goblin lunchbox eddo (#880181)
2 Knob pasty
1 cherry Schlurp (#1470756)
5 can-shaped gelatinous cranberry sauce
26 candied yams
3 glistening fish meat Apollo883 (#1673604)
10 digital key lime pie
1 cursed piece of thirteen Somersaulter (#1770348 )
1 cursed sea biscuit
2 huge pumpkin Lime_Burner (#2411230)
1 Lucky Surprise Egg
3 jawbruiser Aramada (#274245)
1 tube of cranberry Go-Goo
2 Retenez L'Herbe Paté
57 roasted marshmallow
5 sea carrot Apollo883 (#1673604)
6 sea cucumber Apollo883 (#1673604)
5 sea avocado Apollo883 (#1673604)
24 tofurkey leg
17 tofurkey gravy
1 star key lime pie
18 Spooky Surprise Egg mr patterson (#177025) 9 sent
2 beefy fish meat Apollo883 (#1673604)

Various Skills:
1 The Art of Slapfighting
1 The Autobiography Of Dynamite Superman Jones dominickuek (#2363385)
1 Tales of a Kansas Toymaker
5 A Beginner's Guide to Charming Snakes mr patterson (#177025); Apollo883 (#1673604)
1 Uncle Romulus
(Remember to sandpaper the above 5 books for recipes, before you read them!)
8 Tales from the Fireside
1 Travels with Jerry
3 Summer Nights
1 Maxing, Relaxing
9 Let Me Be!
1 Prelude of Precision
1 Sensual Massage for Creeps
1 Tales from the Fireside
1 Blizzards I Have Died In
1 Biddy Cracker's Old-Fashioned Cookbook
7 Asleep in the Cemetery mr patterson (#177025)

5 divine champagne popper
70 divine cracker NotJim (#771603)
56 divine noisemaker
77 divine can of silly string
142 divine blowout
141 divine champagne flute

68 love song of vague ambiguity
55 love song of smoldering passion
4 love song of icy revenge Aramada (#274245)
19 love song of disturbing obsession
56 love song of naughty innuendo Riley37 (#2203072)
38 Mick's IcyVapoHotness Inhaler Aramada (#274245), 14 sent; Astartus (#2026927), 10 sent; NotJim (#771603), 14 sent
1 cube of billiard chalk
9 scented massage oil ArgUS5 (#1013950)

3 sleaze wad
47 sewer wad
18 stench wad
6,882 twinkly wad
7 hot wad
(No idea why none cold, but I double-chk'd and there weren't any)

5 antique painting of a landscape nopenouser (#1915692); Xantaxar (#2398667); Hammaglystwth (#353917); Aramada (#274245)
4 antique record album nopenouser (#1915692); Xantaxar (#2398667); Hammaglystwth (#353917)
1 antique pair of blue jeans
1 crystallized memory Adeeda (#2022349)
200 colorful plastic ball Riley37 (#2203072)
114 Game Grid token Zirrrus (#2287435), 50 sent
20 Game Grid ticket
123 llama lama gong mr patterson (#177025), 20 sent; Aramada (#274245), 20 sent
524 roll of toilet paper
1 lewd playing card
5 paperclip Aramada (#274245), 4 sent
1,274 scrumptious reagent Lime_Burner (#2411230), 200 sent
91 sugar sheet Lime_Burner (#2411230)
483 twinkly nuggets
22 disassembled clover mr patterson (#177025) 11 sent
773 dry noodles Lime_Burner (#2411230), 300 sent
1 globe of Deep Sauce

Thanks to everyone who helped with good contest suggestions! The Magnificent Mega Giveaway of the Marvellous Silentz's Generosity - CLOSED (16)

Last edited by weka; Sun, Mar 9th, 2014 at 10:28 AM.

The Magnificent Mega Giveaway of the Marvellous Silentz's Generosity - CLOSED (2024)


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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

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Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.