The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)

I by by by by by by Evening, December 13, 1930 APPLETON POST-CRESCENT Page Fifteen YULETIDE PROGRAM WILL BE GIVEN AT CLINTONVILLE HALL Presentation of Cantata by Community Chorus Will Be Feature Special to Post-Crescent Clintonville- A musical Christmas program will be given at the high school auditorium Sunday evening, Dec. 14. About 85 persons will sing in the Christmas cantata "In Excelsis" directed by the Rev. W. C.

Kurtz with W. Devine as piano ach ed. companist, Vocal solos, readings and orchestra music will compelte the program, which is as follows: "Christmas Bells," "It came upon a Midnight Clear," the orchestra; processional, "Silent Night," the chorus; hymn, "Adeste Fidelis," the audience; The Christmas Story, the Rev. N. Diedrich; Invocation, the W.

0. Speckhard; vocal solo, Mrs. William Hanson; reading, "The Lost Word," Mrs. F. C.

Walch; neath the Holly," orchestra; cantata, "In Excelsis," Community chorus; prelude, instrumental; chorus, "All Hail; Immanuel!" chorus with obligabass solo, "Wherefore this Tumult; solo and women's chorus, "Beside the chorus and tenor solo, "The King, has soprano and alto duet, Ruler the contralto solo, "Mary's full chorus, "Glory to hymn, "Joy to the World," audience. There will be no Union church services Sunday evening, having been discontinued till after the holidays. No services will be held in the Bethany church Sunday as the Rev. L. G.

will conduct services in the Galesburg Congregational church at 10:30 a. m. The evening service has been postponed on account of the Christmas program being given at the high school. There will be no services in the Salem Evangelical church Sunday, as the Rev. H.

Rabe will have services in Pella. The Sunday school officers for 1931, are Henry Bleck, superintendent; R. Radtke, vice suprintendent; Helen Kiekhoefer, secretary; Emma Limdars, treasurer. Mrs. Della Fritzen, mother of Levi C.

Larson and Edward E. Larson of this city, is seriously ill at her home here. Clintoville boys who won high honors at the International Hay and Grain show in Chicago last week were, Clemeth Hupke, Louis Molotky, Walter Koll, Ordway Bucholtz and Donald Bodoh. These boys are all students in the agricultural course at the Clintonville high school, Clemeth Hupke being a graduate of the course. A father and son banquet will be held at the high school next Wednesday evening.

This is an annual affair for the class in The Clintonville "Rose Maries" took two out of the three games from the "Fords" of New London in the weekly league match at the Recreation Bowling alleys in this city, Thursday evening. Trains Number 408 and 416 running between Clintonville and Oconto which were taken off about a month ago, were again put into operation this week. Mail will be carried on these trains, although there is no messenger on them. Doris Rindt, four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Rindt is confined to the hospital in New London where she submitted to an operation. The Clintonville Fire Department was called to Marion Friday, during the noon hour. The fire was at Uttermak's furniture store. CONDUCT SERVICES FOR SHIOCTON (Special to Post-Crescent) -Funeral services for Mrs. Tinney Armond, 70, whose death occurred last Friday at Appleton were held from the Congregational church Tuesday afternoon, the Rev.

Robert Black officiating. Interment was made in the family lot at Manawa. The bearers were Elmer, Walker, Clarence Walker, Bliss Carnes, Clyde Main and Bert Main. Tinney Rogers was born at Waupaca, July 18, 1860. She was married to Willis Rogers in August, 1892.

The couple made New London their home where her husband preceded her in death eight years ago. She had since made her home with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Main, Shiocton. Survivors are two sisters, Mrs.

T. M. Topping, Newald, and Mrs. John Wilson, Elco; three brothers, Frank and Charles Rogers, Rhinelander, and Ward Rogers, Idaho. Among those from out of town who attended the services were Frank Rogers, Rhinelander; Mr.

and Mrs. Elmer Walker and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walker, Clarence Walker and Mrs. Everett Walker, Northport; Mrs.

George Coehnke, Mr. and Mra. Bliss Carnes and son, Mrs. R. Zerberl, Mrs.

James Tay. or, Mrs. John Gillesstie, Miss Mable Gillesstie, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Blount, Mrs.

Elsie Taylor and son Arthur, Mrs. Joseph Huber, G. L. Curtis, Appleton and Clyde Main and Mrs. Zelphia Main, Stephensville.

CONDUCT LAST RITES FOR FREEDOM WOMAN Freedom--Funeral services for Mrs. Margaret Goldenstadt, former resident of Freedom who died Tues. day at the 'home of her daughter, Mrs. Ben Rademacher at Kaukauna were held at 9 o'clock Thursday morning at St. Nicholas church.

Henry Schommer has returned from the north where he hunted deer near Wabena. He bagged a 125 pound buck. Alvira and Roy Le Roy left Tuesday for Milwaukee where they will spend several days. Glen McHugh entertained at his home Sunday for the following boys: Jack Behling, Sylvester and Roy Sanderfoot, Earl Schommer, James and Vance Garvey, Gerald Appleton, Franklin LeRoy, Ed Murphy, Francis Weyers and John Garvey. Mr.

and Mrs. William Bogan entertained at a noon dinner Sunday for Mrs. P. A. Garvey sons Edward and John and Mr.

and Mrs. J. Van Camp, SHERWOOD MAN AT SOW BREEDERS MEET Special to Post-Crescent Sherwood--J. C. Hallett attended a meeting of the Calumet County Pure Bred Swine Breeders association at Chilton Tuesday evening.

This association recently organized and will first annual pure holes, bred sow sale at Chilton on Roman Holzschuh, Albert Helterling and Julius Schmidt have a all returned home from hunting each bringing a deer. The Sherwood Lumber company built a brooder house for demonstration purpose on their grounds. The house was completed Thursday, Otto Engelhart of High Cliff is having the dance hall on his ty enlarged. Herb Klassen of Sherwood, is doing the work. Paul Zick of Chicago is hear visiting a few days at the home of his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Albert Zich. SCHOOLS PRESENT YULETIDE PROGRAM Grades and High School to Join in Entertainment at Hortonville Special to Post-Crescent Hortonville- On evening, Thursday, school departments of the Hortonville public schools will give an entertainment at the auditorium. The grades will give an entitled "Christmas With the Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe." The cast is as follows: Santa Claus, Eugene Giese; Fairy Godmother, Lucile Stern; Mother Goose, E. Dooley; Whistling Willie, Dick Sanborn; Goody Green, Eileen Kluge; iny Pete, Roger Giese; fairies, Shirley Buchman, Ethel Bleier and Geraldine Haws; Santa Claus children, Wilfred Lerche, Howard Fulcer and Sherman Burns.

Children of Goody Green, Ruth Schneider, Vernieta Fulcer, Emeline Fulcer, Lawrence Reynolds, Chauncey Hunt, Nyal Otis, Floyd Burns, Vivian Hunt, Alice Reynolds, Buchman, Iola Schneider, Phyllis Giese, Lorraine Gehring and Dorothy Schroeder. The play is given under the direction of Miss Harriet Melhinch, counmusic instructor and the grade teachers, Miss Bernice Miss Eunice Dooley and Miss Ev. elyn Seibold. eighth grade will have a candy sale at the auditori. um before program to earn money for the trip to Washington next spring.

The high school will conclude the program with 'a one act play entitled "Teeth of the Gift Horse." On Monday night the American Legion auxiliary, held its regular meeting Legion hall. Plans were made for a series of five card parties to be held in the Legion hall, the first of which is to be held on the evening of Jan. 7. Mrs. Diestler, chairman of the rehabilitation committee gave her -report in which she stated that the auxiliary had sent 27 tumblers of jam and jelly, 10 quarts of sauce and a tity of home-made cookies to the National hospital for Thanksgiving.

The advisability of adopting for the period of a year an orphan of some Legion or service man discuss. ed at length and will be acted on at some later meeting. It was decided to hold a Christmas party on the afternoon of Dec. 20 at Legion hall for all such children of Legion and Auxiliary members, under 10 years old. A Christmas tree will be one of the attractions.

The committee in charge of the party is Mrs. Carrie Lueck, Mrs. Marion Shambeau, Mrs. Alta Hough and Mrs. Laura Otis.

Birthday hostesses for this month were Elsie Klein, Alvina Falck, Sadie Schultz, Gertrude Diestler, and Lulu Poole. Lenore and Burns Mrs. Otto Wolf of waukee and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wolf of Black Creek were called home Wednesday by the serious illness of their mother, Mrs.

William Wolf. At the baby clinic at the Legion rooms last Wednesday 20 babies were examined. The clinic was ducted by Dr. Elizabeth Taylor assisted by Miss Marie Klein, county nurse, and by Mrs. Laura Otis and Mrs.

Alta Hough, DUNDAS CHEESEMAKER WINS FIRST IN CONTEST Special to Post-Crescent Hilbert-Michael R. Lauer, son of Michael Lauer, of Hilbert and proprietor of the Dundas cheese fac. tory won first prize in Calumet-co in the factory grounds improvements contest for 1930, conducted as a joint project by Department Hor. ticulture of the University of consin and the Marchall Dairy laboratories. More attractive cheese factories is the the contest, which was instituted in 1923.

in parts of Wisconsin. In Calumet, Brown, Outagamie and Winnebago counties the contest was held for the first time in 1930. The Dundas factory was operated by Earl Schmeider, for the past four or formerly, five years has been operated by Mr. Lauer. Mrs.

F. E. Pieper entertained about 24 women at her home Wednesday evening at a surprise party in honor of Mrs. A. F.

Slaney. Five tables of Five Hundred were in play and one table of bunco, In Five Hundred honors were awarded to Mrs. Allan and Mrs. Arno Schmidt. Vollmer reSchmidt, ceived the prize in bunco.

Mrs. Van Boven and daughter, Clarice, returned Wednesday from Sagola, where they visited relatives. Those in the grammer room at the public school who were not on the black list were: Arline Buboltz, Minnie Jenske, Laverna Kissinger, Gerald Schmelder, Ovella Hackbarth, Donald Jaeckels, Vita Heschke, Lydia Schultz, Lucy Diener, Ervin Siegrist, Herman Jacobs, Marvis Schmidt, Marcella Hillmann, Malitta Labitzke, Raymond Hasche, Edward Laffey, Ellen Voight, Anita Kissinger and Marcella Kissinger, The local baseball team has changed its schedule and will meet the Reedsville team here next Wednesday instead of Friday, Dance, Black Creek. Music Adrian's Rhythm Boys. GYMNASIUM IN NEW HIGH SCHOOL WILL SEAT 700 TO 800 Board of Education Visits Institutions at Manitowoc, Two Rivers Special to Post-Crescent New London- -A gymnasium which will seat between 700 and 800, and with a floor space of about 60 by 90 feet, is incorporated in plans for the new high school which will probably be built next year.

A committee comprising the board of education, which included A. 0. Zerrenner, R. J. McMahon and E.

C. Jost, went to Manitowoc and Two Rivers on Friday to inspect new schools there. The committee also called on the architects, Smith and Brandt at Appleton, who have indicated that the plans may be presented here next week. MRS. MANSKE ELECTED RELIEF CORPS LEADER New London -Mrs.

Ruth Manske was reelected president of the W. man's Relief corps at the annual election Friday afternoon. Mrs Edith Andrews chosen senior vice president, Mrs. May Mc Nickols Mind was reelected junior vice president. Mrs.

Katherine Yost was elected president. Mrs. Katherine Yost was elected treasurer and Mrs. Ida Runnels was re-elected chaplain. For the offices of conductor, and guard and Mrs.

Emma Steingraber and Mrs. Edna Moser were chosen. Delegates and alternates to the annual department convention also were elected. The delegates include Mrs. Stella Dean, Mrs.

Myrtle Kleinbrook, Mrs. Katherine Yost and Jessie Worby. The alternates include Mrs. Ellen Anson, Mrs. Mae Mc Nickols, Mrs.

Clara Jagoditsch and Mrs. Laura Lehman. The appointive officers, including press correspondent, patriotic instructor, assistant guard and assistant conductor, will be chosen by the president at an early date. The formal installation of officers will take place Jan. 9.

Following the formalities of Friof her services of day afternoon a gift given to Mrs. Manske by Mrs. J. H. Heath.

RUSH CONSTRUCTION ON TWO NEW HOSPITALS (Special to Post-Crescent) New London-1 Italians employed by the Hutter Construetion company of Fond du Lac are at work at Community The then nave skilled in laying the terrazzo floor. Plastering of partitions is going forward as quickly as the floor is laid, and the work is progressing at such a rate guarantee the opening of the hospital early in January. Cement on the second floor of the Meriorial hospital under construction on S. Pearl and sts by the Drs. Borchardt, being poured.

Workmen are working nearly every night and on Sundays to get the building completely closed. Work on the third story alSO is getting under way. The hospital heads believe that the building will be ready for occupancy next summer. NEW LONDON PERSONALS New London--Mrs. C.

B. Reuter is spending a few days in Chicago. Dr. Mrs. Rogers of Oshkosh accompanied her to that city.

Gregory Charlesworth and Miss Lucille Schmidt of Stevens Point are weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Manske. Mrs. E.

C. Jost and Mrs. F. J. Pfeifer were Appleton shoppers on Thursday.

Mrs. Charles Abrams also spent the day in that city, Frank Freiburger of Madison was a visitor Wednesday and Thursday at the home of hig brother, Edward Freiburger of this city. Mr. Freiburger a former resident this city, is recovering from severe illnes resulting from a motor accident. He was for several weeks a patient in a Madison hospital.

Among those attending the boxing card in Fond du Lac Thursday evening were Dr. F. J. Pfeifer, F. E.

Patchen, E. W. Wendlandt, Walter Jolin, Milton Ullerich and George Demming, LITTLE CHUTE LODGES GIVE CHARITY PARTY Special to Post-Crescent Little Chute--Members of the Wo. men Catholic order of Foresters and the Benevolent will give a charity card part the St. John society, school auditorium Sunday evening.

Schafkopf, rummy and bridge will be played and prizes will be awarded. The regular monthly meeting of the Royal Neighbors was held Thursday evening at the village hall routine business was transacted. Election of officers will take place at the next meeting to be held the second Thursday in January, Hiram Ordevay has returned to his home in Fond du Lac after a visit at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C.

J. Bell. 0. L. Jones of Chicago called on friends here, Thursday.

NIGHT WORK RESUMED AT LUMBER COMPANY Special to Post-Crescent New -Night work, in addition to the regular day shift, was resumed Thursday at the Hatton Lum. ber company mills. A large force of men waited in line for employ. ment, and as many as possible were hired. The night shift will continue through the winter, it is expected.

Chicken Fry, Sat. Nite, The Office Inn, Fraser's, 1501 N. Richmond St. Fish Fry every Fri. and Sat.

Gregorius, Darboy Faces Probe A grand jury at Los Angeles is investigating actions of the adminis. tration of Mayor John C. Porter, above, of that city. No report on the investigation has yet been made. COURT OF HONOR HELD FOR SCOUTS Eagle Badge Is Awarded to Stanley Fuchs of Troop 1 at Clintonville Clintonville -A public court of honor was held Wednesday evening in the high school gymnasium by Clintonville Boy Scouts of troops 1, 2 and 3.

The principal speaker of the evening was Principal F. D. Wartinbee. M. G.

Clark of Appleton, valley council scout executive, was present and the Eagle badge, the highest award a scout may obtain, was given to Stanley Fuchs of troop 1. S. J. Tilleson acted as chairman in the investiture ceremonies for first and second class scouts. Robert, badge Woodland and received, his Schwal- seebach was awarded the first class badge.

Star badges were received by Rodney Dodge, Joswiak and Lyman Tanty. Hurley Theodore, talked to the tenderfoot scouts and those receiving their tenderfoot badges were, Gordon Lyons in troop Donald Rindt, Robert Leyrer Franklin Schauder, Jack and Rich ard Penn in troop Victor Kant and John Zastrow in troop 3. Mr. and Mrs. J.

D. Cotton left Wednesday for Chicago and from there will continue to Orange, New Jersey, where they will visit during the holiday season with their daughter, Mrs. J. Thompson. Mrs.

Alex Bucholtz returned home Wednesday from Mercy hospital Oshkosh, where she spent the past three weeks following an operation. Covers were la laid for 67 at a dinner party given Marson Thursday Mr. evening and at the Hotel by Mrs. D. J.

Rohrer and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Olen.

It was in the form of a Christmas party and 16 tables of bridge followed the dinner. Out of town guests were Judge and Mrs. W. Martin of Waupaca. Ladies' prizes were awarded to Mrs.

Frank Gause, Mrs. R. A. Greb, Mrs. Julius Spearbraker and Mrs.

E. A. Miller. Men's honors went to Judge Martin Dr. G.

W. Spang, F. Gause and A A. Washburn. The Clintonville War Mothers held 8 Christmas party at their regular monthly meeting Thursday after.

noon at the Armory club rooms They had a Christmas tree and all the members exchanged gifts. Officers were elected during the business meeting, as follows: Mrs. William Carley of Embarrass, president; Mrs. W. C.

Fisher, vice president; Mrs. J. Needham, secretary; Mrs. William Laahs, treasurer. Refreshments followed and were served by Mrs.

S. J. Churchill and Mrs. W. Carley.

Miss Valeria Metzger entertained her club composed of high school girls on Thursday evening at her home on N. Main-st. A variety of to games Iris were Cavner played and Katherine went Brahan. The next meeting will be held in two weeks at the home of Inez Milbauer. Friends of Mrs.

Harold Van Bussom surprised her at her home Wednesday evening, the occasion being her birthday anniversary, Bunco was played. Honors were won by Mrs. Hulda Zimmerman and Miss Isla Postel. The others attending were: Misses Frances Dopson, Lulu Freeborn, Grace Piehl, Margaret Keller, Lorraine Gensler, Ella WinLydia Gensler and Mesdames Duncan Campbell, Roy Melzer and Stanley Denson. Joe Moser was elected noble grand at the annual election of officers for the odd Fellow lodge at their last meeting.

Others elected to office were, William Bucholtz, vice grand; W. D. Holmes, financial secretary: Martin Falk, recording secretary, Arthur Newton, treasurer; William Barnum, district deputy. first grade in the public school has Vera Ross, teacher of the gone to Rochester, for medical examination and treatment. Mrs.

Harry Lang is teaching the first grade, during her absence. NEW LONDON SOCIETY New London--Mrs. Frank Myers and Mrs. John Croak will be hos. tesses to the Leisure Hour club at a Christmas party at the home of Mrs.

Croak on Dec. 18. Cards will be followed by the exchange of gifts. The Juvenile Royal Neighbor lodge will hold a Christmas party af. ter school hours Tuesday afternoon.

Mothers of members have been in invited, and each child will be presented with a gift from the Christmas tree. Mrs. S. E. Therens, director of juvenile work in the order, will be assisted by Mrs.

Jessie Dent. The Ten Pin club met Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Seering. Sewing occupied the afternoon. Mrs.

Seering served tea at 15 o'clock. EXPECT BOARD TO AUTHORIZE BOND FOR NEW SCHOOL Congestion in Waupaca Schools Necessitates New Building (Special to Post-Crescent) Waupaca-The board of education will meet Monday night at an adjourned meeting to authorize a bond issue for a new building to relieve the present congested condition of the Waupaca schools. It is expected that the recommendation of the board will be presented to the common. council next Tuesday. At the present time there are S83 boys and girls enrolled in the public schools, with 319 in the high school and 564 in the grades.

The conges. tion is most apparent in the lower six grades. According to the new plan proposed by the board of education, the distribution of the pupils of the first six grades in 12 rooms, six in the present grade building and six in the new building, would equalize the classes 80 that would be no more than 38 pupils in any one 1 room. A letter, from the state superintendent of John Callahan, approves the plans for buildscholent ing, though they are different from those suggested by G. Giles, state supervisor, after a survey made in November.

The present plans, according Mr. Callahan, will provide for the future institution of a junior high school system in the Waupaca schools, Suggestions for the double use of the assembly room as a public auditorium and for general school poses were made in the letter, and a few program changes were advised. SWINE BREEDERS MEET TO PLAN SPRING SALE Special to Post-Crescent Chilton -The Calumet County Swine Breeders' association met Tuesday evening in the Great Northern hotel and made plans a spring sale of breed gilts to held here Feb. 14, 1931, Those ent were enthusiastic about the benefits and the desirability of holding such a sale. Arthur Murphy, a breeder of Chester Whites from Manitowoc-co joined the association.

Mr. Murphy was county agent in Shawano-co for several years. He gave a short talk on the value of sale promotion work. He pointed out the impor. tance of putting only the best animals on sale and protecting the buy.

er. The possibility of holding monthly pig fairs was discussed and a committee consisting of Walter Pilling, A. L. McMahon and Carl Peik was appointed to confer with the business men's association in an attempt to secure their aid in the promotion of this enterprise. The marriage of Miss Hazel Steen- port, daughter of Steenport and Walter Schmidlkofer, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Michael Schmidlkofer has been announced. The marriage took place in this city last Saturday. They will reside in this city, The Chilton Er gles' basketball team played the Waupaca Athletics at Waupaca on Tuesday evening. the local team being defeated.

by a score of 18 to 12. Mr. and Mrs. land Tesch, Frank Tesch and Miss Gertrude Tesch were among the Chilton people who witnessed the game. The girl scouts are making and selling Christmas cookies, the proceeds to be used to provide Christmas cheed for the needy families of this city, Miss Caroline Marken left Wednesday afternoon for Milwaukee where is attending the national convention of vocational teachers for the remainder of the week.

St. Margaret Guild met in the Guild hall Thursday afternoon, the hostesses being Mrs. William Aebischer, Mrs. Livyna Albers and Mrs. Augusta Keller.

It was the last meeting of the Guild until after the holidays. ROYAL NEIGHBORS ELECT NEW OFFICERS Black Creek Royal Neighbors elected officers at the December meeting Wednesday evening at the town hall. Officers who were reelected are' Mrs. Mable Minischmidt, oracle; Mrs. Hazel Huhn, recorder Mrs.

Myrtle Shauger, receiver; Mrs. Ruby Bergeman, chancelor. The new officers are vice oracle. Mrs. Mable Wolf, inner sentinel; Mrs.

Pearl Weisenberger, manager; Miss Elizabeth Huhn. The December meeting of. the Parent Teachers association will be held Tuesday evening, Dec. 16. A play, "Soft for the Goslins," will be given.

Prize winners at the card party Tuesday evening at the Arlington hotel were G. F. Rusch, Peter Kitzinger, Frank Blick, skat; kopf, Guy Daniels, Isadore Stephani; live hundred, Miss Loraine Shaw, Mrs. R. D.

Bishop; dice, Mrs. Frank Blick, Mrs. Casper Braun. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at St. John church for Carl Hohenwaldt.

The Rev. W. Joseph Schmidt conducted the ser. vices and burial took place in the parish cemetery. Bearers were John Dey, H.

A. Hoops, Anton Minischmidt, Fred Ganzel, Monas Eberhard and A. W. Grunwaldt. Survivors are one son-in-law, four grandchildren, one great-grandchild, one niece, one nephew and one half sister.

Miss Elfrieda Schneider submitted to an appendicitis operation Thursday morning at Bellin Memorial hospital at Green Bay. at her home Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. Arnold Vander Loop and Mrs. Herman Hietpes.

The guests were: Mrs. Hannah Kilsdonk, Mrs. Arnold der Loop, Mrs. Joseph Lenz, Mrs. Jacob Coppus, Mrs.

Arnold Gloudemans and Mrs. John Vandenberg. Jack Shipley of Oshkosh called on friends here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs.

Clarence Bouressa have moved into their new home on Madison-st. STOCKBRIDGE WOMAN DIES AT FOND DU LAC Special to Post-Crescent Chilton -Mrs. Oscar Pilling, 45, died at Fond du Lac on Friday morning, after a long illness. Mrs. Pilling, whose maiden name WAS Ella Mayer, was born in the town of Stockbridge.

In 1902 she was to Mr. Pilling and they have lived their entire married life on farms in the town of Stockbridge. She is survived by three sons, Randolph of Marytown, Lloyd in Milwaukee, Elmer at home, one daughter Margaret home, two sis. ters, Mrs. Frank Hitzke of this city, Mrs.

0. E. Moehrke of the town of Stockbridge and three brothers, Oscar and William Mayer of the town of Stockbridge and Henry of the town of Chilton. The funeral will be held from the Ebenezer Reformed church in this city on Monday afternoon, the services to be conducted by the Rev. William Arp.

ke. Burial will be in Hillside ceme- tery. GIVE YULE PROGRAM AT WAUPACA SCHOOL Lecture Course Sponsored by Senior Students Is Cancelled (Special to Post-Crescent) Waupaca-The music classes the Waupaca schools will give their Christmas program in the high school assembly for the public at 8 o'clock Thursday evening. The presentation includes an operetta "The Capture of Santa Claus" by the first five grades, and a two part Cantata, "The Chimes of the Holy Night" by the junior high school classes. The program will open with Christmas carols sung by the fifths and sixth grades.

At on Friday afternoon, the cantata will be given for the high school and at 2:30 Friday afternoon the operetta will be repeated for the graded school. The program is under the direction of Miss Gertrude Zahn and Miss Helen Simonsen. Refund checks were mailed last week end to about 75 purchasers of season tickets for the lecture course fostered by the senior class, which had to be cancelled because of nances. Mr. Babco*ck of Eau Claire, a member of the state staff of the Young Men's Christian association, spoke briefly to the student body Tuesday sectional morning.

meeting of He the older announced boys of this section at Neilsville, April 11 with Bill Chandler, basket ball coach at Marquette, as speaker. A change in school hours went into effect last week in the junior high school high school. For. merly roll call was taken in the morning at 8:35 and school dismissed for the noon recess at 11:55. Now roll call is at 8:30, with dismissal at 11:50.

Under the old system, the with doors roll opened call at again 1:20 at and noon at dismissal 1:05 at 3:50. Now the doors open at 12:55 roll 1s checked at 1 o'clock and school is out at 3:30. Formerly all students except those out for basketball or dramatics had to be out of the building at 4:30, now the dead line is at 4 o'clock. HOLD LAST RITES FOR AGED FREMONT WOMAN Special to Post-Crescent Fremont- services were held for Mrs. Ernestina Mielke, 72, at 1:15 at the home and at 1:30 Thursday afternoon at the St.

Paul Evangelical Lutheran church. Rev. E. A. Schmidt conducted the ser.

vices. Burial was in Concordia etery, West Bloomfield. Mrs. Mielke was born Nov. 8, 1858, in Posen, Germany.

At the age of 13 she came with her parents to America, settling in West Bloomfield where she lived until her marriage to William Mielke Aug. 25, 1881. They moved to the town of Hatton where the couple lived until the death of Mr. Mielke Oct. 3, 1921, after which the widow made her home in this village.

Survivors are five sons, Ernest, of West Bloomfield, Richard of the town of Wolf River, Frank, Kaukauna, Paul and Gustave, Fremont; four daughters, Mrs. Edward Behnke, Oshkosh, Mrs. Oscar Kleist, Little River, Mrs. 1g Bartel and Mrs. Albert Velta, Tustin; two sisters, Mrs.

William Kleist, Weyauwega, and Mrs. Lena Marquardt, Saxville: and 10 grandchildren. Those from out of town who attended the funeral were from Weyauwega, New London, Saxville, Kaukauna, Manawa, Oshkosh, Wittenberg, West Bloomfield. Final plans were formulated at a meeting of the chamber of merce held Thursday evening in the village hall for a community Christmas tree which will be erected, and taken care of during Christmas week by members of the chamber of commerce. Following the bustness meeting supper was served to 31 members.

Arlin Knoke Gordon Behnke, Franklin Ristau, Norma Averill and Loretta Drews, participated in a program given by the literary society of the local graded school Friday afternoon. A large number of people from here and rural districts attended the junior class play given in the assembly room of the Weyauwega high school Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pitt and children of Iron Mountain, are visiting this week at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. B. F. Pitt. The Misses Lotus Yankee, Jean Rademann, Helen and Ruth Bauer, attended the Junior class play at Waupaca Thursday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pitt attended the funeral of Miss at Weyauwega Friday morningates, A large number of pickerel are being caught in the mill bayou by local people this week. The members of the Lutheran Ladies Aid society are having a bake sale Saturday afternoon at the Wolf River Cooperative store. The British Foreign Legion has asked an investigation of charges that poppies are being sent into ain for sale on Armistice Day when those made by disabled soldiers at home are sold for the ex-service men's fund.

CLINTONVILLE FIVE DEFEATS WAUPACA CITY TEAM, 29-26 High School Team Is Beaten at Marion by Score of 14 to 11 Clintonville The Four Wheel Drive basketball team defeated the Waupaca city team local armory Wednesday evening 29 to 26. It was a very fast game throughout, and the lead changed many times. The F. W. D.

squad consisted of O'Conner, Schnorr, Kruse, Elandt Becker with Swaboda, Kilmer and Flowers as substitutes. A return game will be played at Waupaca next Wednesday. Approximately 100 basketball fans accompanied the high school basketball team to Marion Wednesday evening where the local cagers met defeat by a 14 to 11 score. The Marion quint led throughout the entire game, ending the first half 8 to 0. The Clintonville boys rallied in the last half, scoring their 11 points during that period.

Manawa highs come here Friday evening to meet the Orange and Blacks on their own floor. W. Mellenry, Waupaca attorney. was the principal speaker at the noon luncheon of Lions club Wednesday. His topic was "Service in the Community." W.

C. Retzlaff of Antigo was present as guest, The meeting was held this week in the Nor. hwestern hotel, which is now under new management. The munity Christmas tree has been put up this week at the corner of the Hotel Marson lawn. Over 60 people were at the odist church parlors Wednesday af.

ternoon when the Ladies Aid society entertained the Gulld and invited guests. The entertainment consisted of the following program: Opening song; vocal duet, Mrs. W. C. Kurtz and Mrs.

Elmer Lang; play, "Counting Eggs, Mrs. Harry Isaacson, Mrs. Ralph Parfitt, Mrs. A. V.

Chamberlin; vocal solo, Mrs. William Hanson, with piano accompaniment by Mrs. R. E. Knister; play, "Interviewing Servant Girls," Mrs.

S. J. Churchill, Mrs. Wesley Parfitt, Mrs. Howard Smiley, Mrs.

Lyle Chamberlin, Mrs. John Meinhardt, Mrs. James Smiley, Mrs. J. Dix; song, by Carmen Campbell, accompanted Mra.

Arthur Campbell: play, "'The Blessing of Receiving," Mrs. George Hughes and Mrs. Ward Winchester; closing song. Refreshments followed and were served by the following committee, Mesdames W. C.

Fisher, John Dopson, 0. J. Tilleson, P. Meggers, S. Kratz and A.

Schmedike. Mrs. E. A. Miller was hostess to three tables of bridge followed by a luncheon at her home, 80 N.

Mainst Wednesday afternoon. Honors were awarded to Mrs. Roy Schwanke, Mrs. J. Devine and Mra.

George Lanhs, Out of town guests were Mre. John Schwanke and Mrs. Roy Schwanke of Tigerton. Mrs. Anna Boyer entertained the Busy Twelve at her home, 242 S.

Wednesday afternoon. The time was spent in a social manner and a luncheon followed. The next meeting of the club will be with Mrs. Charles A number surprised Radtkindn Mrs. Mary Lang at her home, Brix-st, the occasion being her birthday anniversary.

The evening was spent socially, The economy club met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. afternoon, Mees, 139 Eighth-st. It was in the form of a Christmas party and the 15 members exchanged gifts. At the close of the afternoon a luncheon was served by the hostess, Miss Beatrice Laahs has been confined to her home during the past week by serious illness. Herman Rindt and party of friends returned Wednesday evening from Franklin lake, where they spent ten daya in deer hunting.

The party of five returned with three large bucks. "The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Citizens National Bank of Appleton, Wisconsin will be held at its office on Tuesday, January 13th, 1931, at 7 o'clock P. tor the election of a Board of Directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of any other business which may properly come before the meeting." Adv. Free Fish Fry, Sat. Nite, at the Sandwich Shop, S.

Memorial Drive. Ike's Place. DEUCES ACES ON TOP IN BOWLING TOURNEY Little Chute--Deuces Aces bowlIng team is still holding the lead in the Little Chute league. The weekly match games were rolled Monday and Tuesday evenings on the Hartjes alleys. The Bottling team rolled high total series week Works, with the score of 2979.

High single of 250 was rolled by J. Mitchell. Team standings are: Pet. Deuces Aces 25 8 .758 Hannegaref 21 12 .637 Hartjes 20 13 .606 Penn Wreckers 19 14 .576 Motor Inns 18 15 .545 Pin Busters 18 15 .545 Deweys Five 16 17 .484 Gloudemans 16 17 .484 Lumber 16 17 .484 Bottling 14 19 .424 Works' Villagers 10 23 .303 Tonys Five 26 212 A daughter was born Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs.

Ralph E. Lowell. Mrs. Lowell formerly was Miss Josephine Evers. STAUSS NAMED HEAD OF COUNTY Calumet co Association Elects New Officers at Dinner Party Chilton-The annual meeting of the Bankers association was held at the Hotel Chilton Thursday evening.

At seven o'clock a banquet was served followed by a business meeting. The following officers were elected for the coming year: President William F. Strauss of the Commercial bank, Chilton; vice president, Arthur Schroeder of the Calumet-co bank of Brillion; secretary and treasurer, Malvin Timm of the Citizen's State bank of Kiel. Twenty-eight were present, representing banks of Brillion, Chilton, Hilbert, Kiel, New Holstein, Potter, Sherwood and Stockbridge. The Independent Ladies Aid 80- ciety surprised Mre.

H. E. Doolan on Thursday afternoon in honor of her birthday. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Kueler at their home on Wednesday. Dr. John K. Goggins, Dr. Nic J.

Knauf and Dr. John J. Minahan, were in New Holstein Wednesday evening to attend a meeting of the Cal imet-co Medical association. At the annual meeting of St. eph's Sick society of St.

Mary church following officers Benefit, were elected for the coming year: President Chris Hertel; vice president, Jacob Roell; recording secretary, Michael Meier; financial secret. Henry M. Hein; treasurer, Ed. Pethan: marshal, Peter Gerhards: sentinel, Math. Jaeckel; banner carrier, Ludwig Hertel; trustee for three years, John Woeltel; delegates, Jacob Roell and Joseph Helmann.

Alex Schoenung spent the past three days in Milwaukee attending a state convention of dealers in farm Implements. The musical comedy, "'The Belle of Bagdad" under the direction Miss Elizabeth Quade, will be presented at the Eagles hall on Thursday evening by the high school glee clubs. Those taking part are Virginia Ortlleb, Dorothy Mortimor, Dorothy Tollefson, Charlotte Knauf, Irene Meyer, Ruth Tolletson, Mary Katherine Hugo, Lucille Blonien, Gregory Buechel, Harold Tolletson, Zeno Hertel, Glenn Jones, Robert Casper, and John Minahan. The high school orchestra will accompany the singers. Chilton lodge, and A.

M. elected the following officers on Thursday evening: W. M. Otto Boettcher; A. Otto Heller: J.

Vincent Gerner; treasurer, Walter A. Kurtz; secBechlem; trustee for three years, John Weeks; S. Henretary, Otto, ry Weeks; J. Edward Dempsey; The installation will take place on Friday evening, Dec, 26. At the annual meeting of the Young People's society of.

St. Martin Lutheran church on Tuesday eve ning the following officers were elected for the coming year: President, Ervin Bergelin: vice president, Walter Baler; secretary, La Verne Moll; treasurer, Henry Schmahl. Roger McHugh has received first prize in the boy scout handicraft for both October and November. Second prize for November went to Dale Edens. The October project consisted of a contest in making wood book ends and book racks.

For November the project consisted in the construction of a useful piece of tin work. The December project will be wrought iron work. ONLY Great Genius Can Afford Not to be Punctual. No matter how large or small the mortgage there will be no worry if you plan to pay a part each month. APPLETON BUILDING LOAN ASSOCIATION Geo.

H. Beckley, Sec'y. 324 W. College Ave. Phone 116 Christmas invited to make the New State Lunch their headquarters while down town.

The I STATELUNCH 215 W. College Ave. Always Open.

The Post-Crescent from Appleton, Wisconsin (2024)


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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.